The English PS2 version was around 4 GB, due to the added voice acting and music. This version appears to be around the same size as the Japanese version, so I wouldn't expect voice acting.
PS2 discs were DVD, 4.5-8GB in size. This game has been compressed - not added too. Also...on that note: The orchestral soundtrack and voice acting some of you PS2 owners may remember wasn't present in the original Japanese version (they had MIDI music and silence instead). That's the same with this version. Basic music and no VA.
Damn! It was a bad/good time to buy a mini retina! I'm going broke with these expensive yet excellent iOS games! Love it!
Since apparently we need to find out if a premium single player game has online only before buying... Does it?
I have to buy it if only just to support square and it's decision to do all these games in a premium format. Good for them! Imagine they went like EA? Final Fantasy 1: 2.99 each class, warrior free. Inn cost 5.99. You can only walk until your shoes give out and then you need to buy another pair at 1.99. Boat for sailing in FF1? It would rival the cost of a real life boat when you add it all together. Yeah, I love you square! Keep up the brilliant premium!
What!? The VA was one of the best parts of the original...they should of kept it as an optional download. As is, I will not pay without VA when I can play on my PS2 or emulate to a higher resolution on my computer. A great disappointment and they should note the lack of VA in the description.
Can anyone who's already got it tell me if it's possible to skip the battle animations in this version? I've liked the original PS2 version, but the random battles got real tedious.
Yeah, its portrait only.. but It actually isn't that bad. I've been playing the Japanese version for months and haven't had any problems with it.
I don't mind the portrait thing. I only wish it had the wonderful voice acting of the PS2 version. Anyway I've never played the game just seen videos etc but I'm buying it largely because it's meant to be a very good example of JRPG and the music sounds awesome.
It could be a bit bigger if Square updated the visuals a little for retina displays especially for iPads.