Well it may have been a little out of place, but it made me laugh nevertheless. So rather than get into a pointless back and forth argument, lets just agree to disagree eh?
The really creepy ones are the ones who wear the shirt that says (in Japanese) "Looking for a Japanese girlfriend (日本人彼女を募集中)" Gotta be careful of those Anyways, back on topic, I noticed the app description says that iCloud saves, better quick saving, and better compatibility with iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPad mini are coming in a future update. Excited about the iCloud saves - being able to play on my iPhone and then my wife's iPad Air would epic. I noticed that the Android version on the Japanese Play Store has no reviews, and shows 10,000 - 50,000 downloads. The iOS version has a lot of reviews and I'm assuming more downloads? I'm guessing that based on the popularity of the iPhone (takes up 7 of the top 10 best selling slots in smartphone sales), it's doing better on the App Store than Google Play. Just an interesting side note. Gameplay wise, the game is starting to open up and while the battles are still annoying, they're a little less painful given that i actually feel a little more powerful. As a DQ fan, it's nice seeing those DQ enemies fully animated on your phone.
I'm totally jealous of you and everyone else here that can read Japanese and thus actually play it. I just don't feel right paying 2,800 yen for a game I can't read.
im playing it on my iphone5, but the framerate is not to my liking. i actually dropped it when i saw the fps. how noticeable is the weird performance on the title-screen cinema, and when u enter the first town?
On an iPhone 5S, the opening animation is noticeably not smooth. They said they are gonna try to improve performance in an update so hopefully it'll be better. I suspect it has to do with using the Unity engine for cross platform (and ease of development) Yeah it's Japanese only right now. You'd think an English localization is in the works since they have western ps2 release already but who knows...
WOOOAH. This just came in on the vgleaks website!!: These should be good news. source: http://www.vgleaks.com/rumor-dragon-quest-i-dragon-quest-viii-for-iosandroid-headed-to-the-west/
Yea I don't think they will bring it here, they bring it where the money is made not where people want it... looks like a great game but if we ever even get a slight chance I think it be a year or two before that even happens.. Though I'd pay for it loved this game had it on most of my devices though the ps2 one was the best in my opinion
Uhm... the Dragon Quest VIII version from the Japanese Appstore has, as mentioned above, alot of already translated text in it. I expect a western iOS release very, very soon.
DQ8 on my Note 2 would be the end of me. A meth pipe would be easier to put down. I hope it never gets translated, for the sake of all those souls who would otherwise be lost to such cravings. I will keep my eye on this, but let's face it if it comes it comes. Now, if there was word of a straight up FFXII Zodiac port, I would get in a canoe and start paddling to wherever that was being worked on.