I'm tempted to get this, but had a few questions: - Noticed it had no updates since release, does it need it? Any crashes, bugs issues? - How would it control on an ipad mini retina? I heard some complaints about the controls. - How does the save system work? Save anywhere? - Overall impressions of the game? I've never played it, not on PS2 either.
I've had no problems with the game so no update has been needed from my perspective. There has been a lot of complaints about the controls, mainly because they're different. I play on the iPad Air and after a little getting used to, I quite like them. The save system works well; when you're in a town, you have to visit the church for confession which then saves your game. When you're out in the world, however, you can quick save as often as you like. This is the only DQ game I've played, and I first played it on the PS2 years ago. Its my all time favourite RPG, a great - albeit weird - story, interesting characters, a huge world with a lot to do and the alchemy system is quite deep in itself. It's definitely a game to invest a lot of hours into.
No no, it's in portrait mode, as I'm sure you know. Its designed to play with one hand, so there's the virtual joystick on the left, centre, or right hand side depending on your preference. You can change the size of them too. It's swipe at the bottom, or top, of the screen to look around. The swipe bit is the most problematic I think, as its not exactly in the right place to be comfortable but I have no problems with it.
played 45+ hours and only in half way of the whole game... the Monster Arena and monster collection are so fun & addicted... worth every single penny
I personally believe this one is worth every cent. I agree the controls take a little getting use to, but nothing overly obnoxious or frustrating. The game play, story, and presentation is hard to beat. Top tier RPG here. DQ IV however.. that's a different story as far as the port. I'm hesitant at best with that one.
So this is a very nice port, but I'd recommend the ps2 version over it in a heartbeat. The ps2 version has better music, nice voice acting and easier controls. The portable version is great for playing through the game again, especially if you ride the bus. I don't regret my purchase at all, but I would definitely play the ps2 version first.
iPad gamer... Is either of these worth entertaining on iPad given their portrait only orientation? Which would be the better Dragon Quest to get of the two? I've played this long ago on the PS2 but have vague memories of it (sorry but there were a ton of RPGs on the PS2 and I owned most of them so it all blurs)...
I tried my best to enjoy it, but I just couldn't. It's actually the first IOS refund I get since the appstore was put in place... I did manage to find the PS2 version for $10 from a guy who lives 5 minutes away from my place, so not all is lost
FYI - the iOS version start with the "ultimate alchemy pot" not the normal alchemy pot in PS2 that you need to wait for the process to be complete. it is more for causal gamer like me. Also in Dragovian Trials the "ultimate alchemy pot" award has been replace by "Super Skill Seeds" x 10, it gave you 10 skill pts... simple awesome.
Mine has never stuttered. I love the controls. You can use both the direction pad and the camera controls at the same time if you needed to. Being able to tap the camera at the bottom to put it behind the hero is a very similar technique used in Monster Hunter, by the way. And actually, I just bought the PS2 version because I'm loving the mobile version so much. However, I really don't like gaming while being glued to a TV. But because my TV is big and 1080p, the PS2 version looks blurry and very dated on it! And this mobile version on my iPhone 5S looks remarkably crisp and clear! So, you're not playing on the newest iPhone or iPad, are you? You might want to really search for videos of people playing these games on YOUR device before purchasing them, expecting something else, especially Square-Enix games and Monster Hunter FU. MHFU is going to make your device VERY hot while playing. And if your device is quite old, I have no idea how well it will work. Dragon Quest VIII has now become one of my favorite games ever, helped because I'm getting to play it exactly how I want to: In portrait mode on my phone with one hand. So, for me and quite a few of us, this game is amazing and really enjoyable. Sorry you couldn't find the same in it.
I bought this on release and I'd love to play it but the camera controls killed the game for me and after the first boss in the waterfall I couldn't take it anymore and deleted it. Now I bought myself an nvidia shield (as an all-in-one emulation system) and now I'm wishing I could play the game on that as with proper buttons and analogue sticks the camera issues would be fixed. Was going to buy it when I remembered the damn thing is portrait only!!! Arrghhhhhh so annoying, I can't play a portrait only game on that so playing this game still eludes me
It's too bad you couldn't get around the fairly big flaws in the port, but I'm glad you were able to get a refund. And hey, you'll always have your American PS2 version, right? It's a shame they couldn't do for DQ8 what Rockstar did for San Andreas, but it was just never going to happen. They didn't have access to the original development team, they were jamming a game that ran on a custom engine they didn't design into a stock mobile engine (Unity), and the tepid reaction to DQ outside Japan in general meant they were unlikely to budget for the special features the PS2 English version had, like VA. It had a far smaller potential market than San Andreas, with the original DQ8 barely cresting 5 million worldwide while the original San Andreas sold four times that, and the budgets for both ports likely reflected that. None of this should matter to the end user who pays their money for the game, though, so in that respect, it's too bad SE couldn't meet the standards the game deserves. I still think, even with all the problems of the port, it's among the best JRPGs you can find in the App Store. It costs the same as two and a half Kemco RPGs when they're not on sale, and I think it's worth a lot more than that. If you come in without pre-existing expectations from the English PS2 release and just compare it to other RPGs on iOS, it's still a really great game with few reasonable competitors. This iOS push is basically the last chance Dragon Quest will *ever* get from SE in English, so I hope they do well, in spite of starting off on a shaky foot.
Hello guys,just wondering,will this run smoothly and with decent gfx on an ipad 3? Thanks in advance!