Right there with you mate mine is also a 16gb version and while I was able to squeeze all my fav games like kotor,bastion,limbo,xcom,Rr3,oceanhorn,rgp2,Ws,Bs there just wasn't any space left to do anything else.I could barely record quality videos after that,Add battle heart to the list now and I'll have to delete some these videos to make space.I barely get 13gb free space on my device actually.
@goodboy our 16gb iphones have actually just 13gb ... or around 13gb becouse the rest goes to software stuff. i didn't knew that when i bought it becouse the girl from were i bought it (my mobile phone network shop) she told me it has 16gb to use for my stuff, but didn't told me it already has 2-3gb with apple's stuff and the final space will be 13gb, a lucky number @everyone who plays dq if you want to fight those monsters that aren't in bestiary they will pop-up again in the same place after you defeat'em, just enter a town or any location and when you go back to world-map they will wait you there, same goes for when you save and close the game then re-open
in my way to port i stopped just in front of the port sign/indicator, there is beach there, i did some exploring and found this enemy. he is easy to kill, does around 7-10dmg per hit, depends what level you are and what equipment you have and he heals around 30hp per turn, i killed him in one hit and i got a monster coin.
i also found a chest in that area with a seed, these seeds are important to collect and use becouse they permanently increase your stats.
i hope everyone found this seed of life in the way to port. just before you reach the arcade entrence go left and the chest is in the end of the hill.
I've played games on a PS2, PC, and iPhone, and the frame rate on my 5S doesn't bother me at all. I haven't even thought about it! This game runs super smooth for me and my phone hasn't had any problems. No slow down, no heating up, nothing. And I've left it in the background and come back to it often. If you enjoy the game and the grind, then the frame rate probably won't bother you. But if you appreciate the technical detail more than the story and gameplay, then I really don't know what you'll think. Because I'm of the former mindset. Hope you enjoy it if you do get it!
@asd - I'm assuming you will be back at some point - I guess I remember the dinosaur from my PS2 days, and was probably level 2 or 3 when I fought him. I certainly could not do 70 hp of damage. Buffalo bill at level 7 or 8 is mosly just time consuming. If you are on the high side of being leveled, you will never have a difficult fight in DQ, although some will be more challenging. I honestly don't think they made DQ to make people die a bunch. All those monsters that you encounter are there for a huge side quest if you are interested. There are chests in many many locations that are not obvious. You really need to use the world map and explore everywhere if you want to find all the treasures. Thankfully they have made the chests stand out even when they are a long ways away. But, they are frequently behind trees, or corners, etc. that make them difficult to spot.
Picked this up yesterday after work, and as crazy as it may sound to some.This is my first journey into the world of Dragon Quest and I now totally understand the hype. The game is simply amazing as I said it's my first ever DQ so I have no comparison, but it plays bloody great on my ipad and my iphone really really impressed and so glad I went for it and I actually feel like for what it is, it's priced very reasonably. (I know I'll get some stick for saying that but IMO it really is well priced) Now back to the game so I started out on the hunt for the crystal ball got to the main boss GEYZAR and he beat me down but after a few more go's and a strategy change I whooped him (and it felt good) I can tell its gonna be one of those games that's gonna get better and better so before I get back to my game I have one question to the TA crew that have played this game were should I put my skill points first for the both begging characters I'm worried I put them to waste any help would be much appreciated as for now I've held on to them,to i work out what is best to build on first.
Exactly. Bought it for ipad got whipped trying to get the crystal ball. Have to go back now and try again. This time I'm coming PREPARED.
Yeah, I absolutely love grinding for experience and gold. So after hearing a few people have some trouble with that quest (including a PG twitch stream), I decided to grind a bit before tackling that one. Excited to grind a bit more before my new quest. So therapeutic.
Also just got the game yesterday, and although this is my 2nd Dragon Quest game, the 1st one was waaaay back in grade school on a Famicom, DQ1, and was in Japanese lol
There's always something wrong in Square Enix's games. They can't be trusted. I'll remove this from my watch list.
Does it run at a constant 30fps+ or is it 20-25?My eyes become tired quickly and watching games in motion becomes a big annoyance to me.After years of pc gaming I've sort of become used to that smoothness and responsiveness of 60fps.So any game under 30fps is unplayable to me,I can still withstand 28-29fps consistently that I get on most vita games like UC and Kz but anything lower is not enjoyable for me,In short I've been spoiled for my own good.
I was defeated by this first boss too but it's a good sensation when you try again more prepared or with another tactic and win. It's a very rewarding game and that and the story are the things I like in this game. About the skills in this post Shaun told that the best is to spend the points in one or two brands because there are limited points. I choose humanity/axe with Yangus and boomerang/courage with Hero but you choose what you like the most. With hero I think boomerang is good because it attacks all enemies at once but with sword you will get strong attack to one enemie, good for bosses. The best is to try a strategy of your election. Have fun with your play trough! @goodboy, I get tired eyes too when playing long time in the iPhone, maybe is when reading or maybe because the frame rate. I guess you will have problems too. I think the frame rate is around 25 but I'm no expert about that.
The game doesn't have a frame count listed on screen so I don't know. My eyes aren't tired from playing it. My suggestion is that you try to find some 60fps video footage of someone playing it. (Make sure you're not watching 24 or 30fps video or else that will possibly slow down the look of how the game is playing.) Then no matter what the frame rate of the game is, you'll be able to accurately see it in the video.