Portrait only ? No landscape for this? How was 8 on ipad ? I'm a bit wary given the control layout ...
Personally I found it horrible to use. I love the game but portrait mode sucked and I had huge problems with the controls, especially in small places like buildings. I played as far as the first boss (waterfall) and never played it again.
How does this play on the iphone? I've played most DQs but never on the iDevices. Is it worth it? How is this one? Is it truly worth it, or should I purchase it on another device / console like the DS.
DQ8 on iPhone was amazing It was playable with one hand and was just awesome despite minor control issues. iPad though, really hard to use still though. Dargon Quest IV looks to play just as good
Lulz... Dargon Quest. That misspelling is almost as embarrassing as the "Load Captain" Squeenix STILL hasn't removed from Final Fantasy IV!
God I hope they bring part 2 and 3 of this series out! Neither hit the states back when this was new. Woo, shiney graphics upgrade too
Looks very strange having a portrait embedded within a large blurred out landscape. But, what can we do? It's Dragon Quest!!
Curious if this keeps the acclaimed voice work or if that was dropped for this. That's the deal breaker at this price for me. The size suggests no voice.
Don't know story and gameplay but you can trust Square Enix there. Just fired it up on iPad Air. Same portrait mode and controls as DQ8. Graphics are 16 bit and look terrible on ipad. I might have to play this on my iPhone as I can't stand 16 bit graphics. The video must have been iPhone but ipad - forget it.sorry it's just me but I loathe 16 bit graphics. An eyesore. Controls seem the same on my ipad as DQ8. Maybe I'll love it later today or tomorrow but first impressions are -annoying eye sore graphics and annoying music and nothing new about controls compared to DQ8. I'll save judgement until I've played it longer. These are just first impressions. Not happy so far but will wait before awarding any points. I love DQ games but this one I don't know. PS: if you get this I suggest iPhone not ipad. It looks nice on iPhone compared to ipad which looks horrible. Clearly it's made for phone not tablet although you can play it on tablet. Its personal preference.
I wish it would. But I do appreciate keeping file sizes low. Were there voices on the DS version? The zip file of that is under 60mb!
Game is $15 $15 = £8.90p Uk game price is £10.50 Anyway this was on my buy list until people started to say the controls are the same as DQVIII. I'll have to give it a miss then and hope they don't mess up the next one they do.
0.99 US Dollar equals 0.59 British Pound Sterling Yet $0.99 apps are 69p on the AppStore. The stupid pricing is nothing new. what goes around comes around though, if you wait long enough.