Just defeated Psaro and can now say I completed DQ4. At this point I'm unsure if I'm going to go after the Fungeon and bonus character. I had a lot of fun with it though and am greatly looking forward to the rest of the titles getting released.
Eep... a bit late to the party, but since getting this game I haven't updated my ios software to ios 8.x, fearing it'll introduce bugs or something of the sort to the game. Has anyone tried playing DQIV while running ios 8x? Any negative changes?
Has anyone played this on the iPhone 6+? How does it look there? Is it a blurry mess, or does the fact that it's using pixel art save it?
I haven't played it on a 6+, but I've played it on an iPad Mini. It doesn't actually use pixel art for the environments. Most of it is HD polygonal. The sprites are actually what look worst, but they don't look any worse than they did before. I've never liked this pseudo ps1 era 3d look. But it looks the same as always here, arguably the best it's ever looked. It'll look as good on a 6+ as anything. Great game. You don't buy it because of the graphics.
I'm playing on 6+ and it looks good,upgraded from 5 to the 6+ and it doesn't take anything away from the game at all.
I'm finally getting around to playing this and I wanna do it with minimal walkthrough usage, but I'd like to know about any good secrets or tips about missable stuff I might want. Anyone got anything good to tell me?? I'm only a little ways into Chapter 2 right now.
http://www.supercheats.com/nintendods/walkthroughs/dragonquestivchaptersofthechosen-walkthrough01.txt that's the guide I'm using, still playing around late chapter 6, spent over 30+ hours now. and this is the map, it is pretty helpful too
Well, I still haven't finished this game yet but I recently came back to it and I just got Ragnar in my party during Chapter 5. I am sofaking glad that I did the money "trick" with Torneko now that I'm this far in the game. Not having to grind gold forever is really nice. ##