Have there been changes made to chapter 2 as well? I've got to the point, trying to avoid spoilers, where I need to take something that I've just got to a certain place in Vrenor town at night - but the people I'm meant to meet aren't there.... I consulted a DS guide to it and I'm doing the right thing as far as I can tell Thanks
That's odd, maybe I'm doing things in the wrong order or something. I've not been back home to see the tzar yet
Nope I'm completely stuck here. I've got the amulet, been to the bazaar, the teleporter, back to the castle, back to the town at night to try and hand over the amulet and I can't get anything to move on! I don't know if I'm missing something really stupid but I don't know what to do now. What the old guides tell me should be happening just doesn't seem to be
Ok - not quite sure what happened but I think I may have missed a conversation because I went back and talked to everyone in the town again as a last resort and this time when I went back at night everything was fine.....panic over!
So, I just want some opinions. I have a iPad and am looking to pick up either this or DQ8... Which is the better choice for a guy like me who is only going to be playing on the iPad? The portrait only perspective is a sore spot with both and I hear that some have a worse control experience on iPad with DQ8 so for any who have both which is the better choice for right now? I still plan to get the other at a later date...
The DS version is still better in my opinion. But this version is still an excellent port and controls fine. On iphone anyway I haven't played on iPad. The only really thing the IOS version has over the DS is the party chat feature which let's you talk to your part members which is helpful and near but not super necessary.
This "short burst sessions" comment is what sold me the game. With 2 children, "short burst sessions" is a must. Also, being able to play in portrait mode is fantastic. I've just begun act 1, but the game looks very promising.
To me, the party chat isn't about adding functionality, but rather fleshing out and enriching characters who are otherwise mute for the last half of the game. What about the DS version makes it better for you?
Hope it treats you well. I've thoroughly enjoyed both DQ offerings a bunch. 5 minutes here, one battle there... an hour here, a break there. That save system (hard saves in churches, quick saves outside of towns, auto saves in case your game closes or crashes, and manually pushed cloud saves) has been exactly what mobile RPGs need. Just wish everyone adopted this!
The only real preference I guess is I enjoy the larger screen and D-Pad. Though for mobility this is actually quite preferred over the DS as phone games are more what portability is all about now a days. I can also sneak bouts of this in at work not so on a DS in which case they would know I was playing a game lol.
11 hours in now and just made it to chapter 5 furthest I've progressed in this game. I've played them all but I've only completed 1 for NES and GBC, 2 for GBC, and 8 on PS2. Which ones have you guys played/completed?
Ashamed to admit it since RPG is my favorite genre, but I've never completed a DQ game at all! I've only played DQ1 on the NES, but don't remember how far I made it. I'd love to see an iOS remake of that one. And the other DQ games I've been playing are DQ4 & 8. Just passed forty hours on 8. Longest I may have ever played one game! I've only put in five or six hours on 4 though. But I can tell you, these will be the first two I ever beat!
I've completed every version of all of them, and most of those in both Japanese and again in English since I'm impatient. The only exception is DQX, which I haven't even played because I don't have time for an MMO. I love this series way too much, haha.
You're in for a haul I remember 8 taking me like 80 or 90 hours to finish. Shaun I want to check out DQX but I completely understand wanting to avoid the time sink. During myWoW years I was still buying the RPGs for my collection and most are still in there shrink wrap lol. I missed out on playing through a lot of personas and Tales of games because of that stupid MMO. Not that it's an issue because I still bought them all. I just have a giant backlog now LOL
Dear Smegly I am stuck at the same situation, but i am too stupid to figure out who or what is missing Are you willing to share who is the next NPC and where?