Question for the developer: are leveling stat points random or will Ogden or whoever else always e the same at level, say 16? Not asking between players, but between different play throughs. So if I go though once, and then go through again will both Anders have the same stats?
Anyone have tips for getting through the Dark Castle (last dungeon of chapt 1)? I'm level 27 and have all forged gear and Biggs and Wedge just eat me for lunch. I put this game aside once before because I couldn't progress after like 25 tries, and I'm finding it just as impossible now that I've picked it up again.
Hi Adam. I'm experiencing this bug myself and was wondering if there are still plans to have it updated. Fixing this issue would make this great game even better
Yes, we're testing a fix for it right now in fact. It's been taking longer than normal because we've been making so many improvements to the engine for book two that we got a little bit disorganized on the book one fixes. But we branched the code finally and we should have a fix ready for submission next week.
Stat points are semi-random. Basically there's a guaranteed X points for a stat on a given level, plus some random value... I think it's between 0 and 3, I don't recall exactly
Stuck Been playing and loving this game so far but I'm a little stuck: As Ogden I just gave the flowers to the dead miner and Sally showed up.... Now what? Do I go back into the mines or....?
Help please How in the world do I get into the volcano? Where is the secret entrance? I've been stuck on this for a while. Holy cow pies! As soon as I posted this I found what I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for! Haha! This is an awesome game, much love to the creators!
Any word on this? I stopped playing because a fix was coming "soon"! I'm going to have to review to remember what I'd done in book one!
I didn't have much difficulty playing through Gerald's chapter without having any equipment. In fact, I would say it was easier than the previous two regardless. No reason to hold off on it, at any rate.
Wallpaper and Soundtrack Hey Adam and anyone else, Has anyone made any cool iPhone or desktop wallpapers for Dragon Fantasy or released the soundtrack? I've taken bad quality youtube mp3's and imported them into iTunes as ringtones so I can hear it even when I'm not playing! Also, are you planing to ever open an online store to sell those awesome plushed rocks? Forget Angry Birds, I just want to fill my room with googly-eyed rocks! Anyway, just trying to give you more opportunities to take my money.
Dragon Fantasy... II? Just read the awesome article about Dragon Fantasy II that was on destructoid! Loved hearing that my favorite game on my phone might turn into my second favorite game because of it's sequel. Did you originally plan to release the 16-bit chapters as additions to DF? I know it would be nice for us if it was all included in one app, but to avoid IAPs, I'd love to pay for a DFII stand alone app. And I can imagine it would be more beneficial and profitable to just make a second app. Any other news you can share that wasn't in the article? The game is looking pretty sweet, btw.
Chapter 2 bug and crash Ive been playing chapter 2 and completed the ice cavern. My character said to bluefin where there is a scene with the pirates after Ogden shows up. Anders greets him with a "Hail Ogden" and the game ends and rolls credits. I've tried this a few times and can't get past it. Any news of a fix for this game breaking bug.
Chapter 2 bug and crash Ive been playing chapter 2 and completed the ice cavern. My character sails to bluefin where there is a scene with the pirates after Ogden shows up. Anders greets him with a "Hail Ogden" and the game ends and rolls credits. I've tried this a few times and can't get past it. Any news of a fix for this game breaking bug.
@Muteki Corp: I found a repeatable bug to get unlimited free money from the bank. Right now if you go to the bank, select deposit money, then cancel by tapping outside of the text window, it gives you 2000 for free. I guess it's more like an interest free loan since the bank says you have a negative balance. You can get unlimited free money this way. The opposite also works; you lose money by canceling a withdrawal. I discovered this when I went to withdraw some money from the bank at the beginning of chapter two, realized it didn't carry over from Chapter 1, and then cancelled. I ended up with negative money. Excellent game though.
Dark Palace Key Does anyone know where the key is for the dark palace? There is no mention in the story line of needing a key and when I get to the dark palace I am unable to enter without it. I am stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was kinda expecting a chapter 4, but I can't complain about them making a new game to continue the story instead either. Either way, I'm definitely going to be getting it.
Late to the party Not sure if the Muteki guys are still lurking about but I just wanted to express my thanks for making this game. I saw coverage for the upcoming Dragon Fantasy 2 and looked into the first one, gave it a shot, cannot complain. I've only just arrived at the dark castle in Ogden's story (chapter 1) and am loving it. I'll be perfectly honest, I enjoy the grinding. I spent some time at each city grinding up gold to buy the new goodies in each, I truly miss that aspect of old timey RPGs that I grew up with. These days the games are just shuttling you from one story point to the next, I like being forced to grind out exp and gold to make sure I'm strong enough to succeed in the next area! The masochist in me is also enjoying the fact that there is no quest log or in-menu direction giving. More than once I've had no idea where to go and had to go talk to all the NPCs. I wandered all over the volcano more than once after beating the boss because I thought there would be something hidden in there that I had to find, then I started wondering if I read wrong and just had to deal with it! Each time I've been a bit lost there have been clues in the NPC text that I've found. The only time I got a bit miffed was after the mine looking for the armor. I circled the area two or three times and then wandered into the castle and then went back and circled again and got the armor, no clue what I did different or wrong the first few times. But that is the nature of the beast! I'm looking forward to Dragon Fantasy 2 and will be buying it the instant it hits the app store!
@Nyambe: That is actually the end of Chapter hindsight it could have closed out a bit more clearly but hey, it was our first content update! Chapter 3 has a much more satisfying "now I have reached the end" moment (as did Chapter 1) @smegly: We made the decision not to make a proper Chapter 4 for a few reasons. The first of which was that we were bumping right up against that 20mb limit that USED to be the rule (it has since changed...but by that point we were so far into dev on the sequel it was too late to change direction). More importantly, we just felt like we had paid our proper homage to 8-bit RPGs and wanted to move on to something we could get a bit crazier with! @Pezmage: We do still lurk here every now and then, yes! The grinding felt "right" to us at was very reminiscent of the first Dragon Warrior/Quest. When you reached a new town you then circled that town until you could buy all of the best equipment there before continuing on your quest. And never EVER cross a bridge until you've leveled up enough or you'll be sorry! Glad to hear you felt the same, though I'm afraid I'll disappoint your masochistic side a bit when I say that the sequel WILL be having a quest log (though we're still not going to be adding an over world map with map markers telling you exactly where to go or anything like that...).