Odd. Game often says I've unlocked a pallette, yet when I go to the STYLE menu, all I can select is the default option. Enjoying it so far though, even if I rarely get past the first stage
Style and pallette are two different things. To change pallette open the menu by pressing the upper part of the screen when waiting at the scene before jumping into the well.
Ya, wow, what a piece on Downwell. Intricacies revealed. ***** http://www.polygon.com/2015/10/16/9550205/downwell-is-the-best-game-ive-played-in-2015
So, I went ahead and bought the game.. Wow, I was wrong with my initial pre-purchase impressions .. This is a fun, and super challenging, game.. While it is not of the vein that I usually play, I am quite fond of it, non the less. It is good to break out of, thus expanding, ones ideology from time to time, and this game serves as that reminder for me. I can see myself playing this game a bit each day, trying to go 'just a bit' deeper..
Devolver hinted at this game coming to PS4 and Vita on twitter the other day. That would make me super happy, having the game with physical controls. I see the potential for sure, but really can't enjoy this game with touchscreen controls. YMMV.
The sale helped me pull the trigger on this one. I'm so glad I did!! What an incredible game! It's very challenging, but the game has a considerable amount of depth for a platformer. Combos are key in the catacombs. This is probably my GOTY right now... The only thing that bothers me is the portrait orientation. It's a totally understandable choice, but I find it a little too cramped on my iPhone 5s.
I run into weird low frame rate issues every so often in my runs. I am using an iPhone 6s+. At first I thought the game was slowing down for my benefit so I would die less while on low health but that doesn't seem to happen consistently. Any ideas?
iOS version? JB or non-JB? When do slowdowns happen? If it hasn't got to do with the game but with the device, try the standard: close all background apps, reboot device, etc. Nonetheless, some of the slowdowns are on purpose to imitate old 8-bit systems and the slowdowns they suffered when too many things were happening at the same time.
I may be wrong, but I thought the game intentionally drops frames when you take a hit. So not only does it help you escape danger, but it's a nice throwback to the NES era.
I am running 9.1 non jailbreak 6s plus. This seems to happen when more things are happening on the screen. If this is a "feature", we need an option to disable it.
I did it. I beat the game. With only 1 HP left. It may have been on floaty but that's good enough for me. I'm taking a well deserved break from this for a while Happy Welling!
Ha, I said about landscape on iPhone about 4 pages back. I'd even give up a bit of screen real estate on the sides.
Congrats man, can't past the water stage.. Shit hits me and I don't have a clue where it comes from lol.. Or I drown ####