When you are on the go - away from internet - your loved online game agar.io is not availble.... NOW there is alternative to play offline agario style game with Dot Muncher Fight Club! Dot Munch Fight Club for iphone - is new osmosis principe game. Your goal is to eat smaller blobs to grow and not became food for dots bigger then you. Gameplay Tips: Eat smaller dots to grow in size and became biggest blob in the game. Smaller dots moves faster then big one, take advantage of it while growing in size. Game action happens in Nebulous galactic with simple osmos rules: "Eat smaller dots or became food for others" Game is available for download for iphone and android: [IOS] https://itunes.apple.com/app/dot-munch-fight-club/id1002850063?ls=1&mt=8 [Android] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estotyllc.dotfighterclub Check it Out and Have fun!