Looking for best code? Different code, reveal this code and get an E level hero no joke! Code: 8Q1R (7 left so hurry!)
Exclusive level E hero now! Get now! Reveal this code and get te level E hero u want for free! 7 left so hurry! Invite ID: 8Q1R
In case anyone is still adding codes, mine is: 8k7u This game is like a slightly less strategic Puzzle and Dragons. The freemium content is actually almost identical. Not good for my OCD game playing style :/
I've been playing D.O.T. Defender of Texel. You can download the app from the link. There's a gift waiting for you, so use my Invite ID (9Rr8) when you start up the game! http://mobage.com/games/dot-defender-of-texel Invite ID: 9Rr8 Please help me get at least 10 Thanks!
Please please please use this code! wUFj Please use my invitation code! we both get a free fighter wUFj Thanks!!
Use my code Hey guys, please use my code. It'd be much appreciated and both parties get rewards Enter: Azss Instructions - 1) Open D.O.T 2) Tap the 'more' icon 3) Tap the 'invite ID' icon 4) Enter Azss (This will only work if its your first time doing it) Cheers people
Im not sure how the turn over for friend invites are, i mean, if your new, most people just use the ingame forum and post the first code they see, problem is once people have a code, they cant add anymore i've tried messing with it to add my own friend ID, but even though i made a new account, i cant add a friend ID, only give out a new one. so here's my main ID if anyone can help 9zC1 on another note, if anyone knows how to fake friend invites and get it to work, here's an email generator, its a temporary email address, but it seems redundant to DOT as you dont need to confirm if its a legit email http://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html
DOT Defender Of Texel (Friend Requests & Invite ID) Defender Of Texel gives away free rare & epic fighters for entering Invite ID Lets share gamername and invite ID! My Invite ID: 9KS5 Gamername: bixnik To obtain a Rare Fighter for a head start, follow these steps. 1) After starting the game, beat the first boss 2) Go to bottom right of the screen and choose "More". 3) Press "Invite ID" 4) Enter invitation code "9KS5" 5) Obtain rare monster in "Cache" Enjoy! Game Download: http://mobage.com/games/dot-defender-of-texel