My invite code is 5799. Input my code in the invite section of the game to get a rare monster and 10 pixite items (used to get more monsters, so that gives you 10 chances for a super rare monster)
Add me need 10 people to add me to get the epic toon for the event Play D.O.T. Defender of Texel with me! ID: 5qcQ
I can't find the exact field in which you type someone's invite ID. Could someone post a screen shot of where I'm supposed to type? Thanks and my ID is 53jh.
Use my invitation code: 5ahJ to get a rare fighter. You can enter the invitation code after you beat the first boss. Thanks
Here's how to get a free rare beast! Use invite code: Lg9o (Type it in after beating the first boss!)
D.O.T. Defender of Texel (Obtaining Rare Fighter for Free) Code: 9KS5 To obtain a Rare Fighter for a head start, follow these steps. 1) After starting the game, beat the first boss 2) Go to bottom right of the screen and choose "More". 3) Press "Invite ID" 4) Enter invitation code "9KS5" 5) Obtain rare monster in "Cache" Enjoy! Game Download:
My invite code on D.O.T. Is ID: q3kc Add me now and get the best monster/fighter. When maxed out it will have over 2000 ATK! Thanks
D.O.T. Defender of Texel (Obtaining Rare Fighter for Free) Code: 9KS5 D.O.T. Defender of Texel (Obtaining Rare Fighter for Free) Code: 9KS5 To obtain a Rare Fighter for a head start, follow these steps. 1) After starting the game, beat the first boss 2) Go to bottom right of the screen and choose "More". 3) Press "Invite ID" 4) Enter invitation code "9KS5" 5) Obtain rare monster in "Cache" Enjoy! Game Download: