The bomb vest issue I think we've squashed, there's a bug that creates several certain situations that crash. Is anyone getting crashes just by entering doors, or am I reading the reports wrongly?
Could be, yeah. If you were able to fix it already - great! Looking forward to new update. On the unrelated note, are you planning to enable Game Center leaderboards? I’d like to compare scores with others. What’s the point of chasing high scores for each level or infinite tower if they’re nowhere to find in the game, right?
I’ve had crashes just by entering doors, usually ones that change floors not ones I kick down. But not frequently enough to reproduce, but I’ve probably had about 5 or so since launch.
Not sure what caused the issue, but the tactical point bar is now overlapping with the health bar (see attached). I believe it’s not the update that caused the problem, but the perk at the end of the Logistics skill tree. I am on IPhone 8 with the latest iOS
@Jstorm nice catch! I didn’t even notice, but you’re right. It’s not as bad on iPad, but it’s still overlapping nonetheless. Luckily, the health bar depletes from right to left, so it’s not that big of an issue. —-
That’s good to hear, thank you. Not sure if it’s been noted yet but I’ve also had the odd crash when hitting restart when dying in a mission. But probably only happened twice.
at least in my case i assure you that i don't see any rules for crashes, the only sure thing that i've noticed is that they happen everywhere after at least half an hour of play, and this reminds me of the usual lack of RAM due to a bad usage or poor game optimization.
In one of the previous level you can climb the stairs up (in the subway level), it’s not part of the decor. The problem is you can’t go back down. So where am I supposed to go then? What am I missing there? There’s no other way around.
Which door? On the right where there’s this dumpster truck blocking the way? EDIT: am I being pranked here? I googled 3 different videos from PC or consoles and in every single one of them they‘re going down the stairs, which I CAN’T DO! I’ve spent like 30 minutes trying to find different way. There are no doors leading down!
Sorry, I'm an idiot. My mistake, please accept my apologies. Will come back to this, I confused the level in my head.
@elanaibaKHG still have crashes, and as i said before, there’s no apparent rules, the only thing that happens regularly, after about half an hour of play, is an issue with sounds fx and music, then come the crash... i insist, it’s a matter of RAM usage, game needs to be improved for older devices. can you fix that?