Universal Doomsday Clicker (by Prodigy Design Limited T/A Sidhe Interactive)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. smurfish

    smurfish Member

    Oct 16, 2010
    Same thing happened to me on the 15th doomsday. I had > 1 mil mutants. Number of humans remained 18 for quite a while. Then when I checked the game a few hours later, the number of humans was 50k and increasing. So wait for a little while longer to see if the number increases. I think it increases after you have accumulated a certain amount of profit. PikPok can you clarify?
  2. smurfish

    smurfish Member

    Oct 16, 2010
    Another doomsday, this time the number of humans stayed at 18 even as I chalked up 600+ quintillion.... Until I bought all the rooms in desertopolis then the number started to climb. Strange...
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #63 ste86uk, Mar 27, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    Just downloaded and am trying it out. So once I have everything I'll be able to afford it's best to reboot? Doesn't seem like I generate extra humans while earning and upgrading.
  4. klinetic12

    klinetic12 New Member

    Apr 6, 2013
    iPad Air 1 on iOS 8.2. I think it is actually part of the game. The humans start to generate again after hitting a specific profit mark, perhaps based on some last-reached profit mark. That mark is a lot longer after leaving the game running overnight. I hope that makes sense?
  5. smurfish

    smurfish Member

    Oct 16, 2010
    #65 smurfish, Mar 27, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    Well I had another doomsday, with about 3 mil mutants. This time the human counter started to increase since the start of the game as I was buying rooms. Then some time later, the number stopped updating again. So I think this is more of a bug. :(
  6. Pyapiopi

    Pyapiopi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    I'm not the developer so if they want to come in a clarify that would be great but this is my take on it.

    You build humans every time you buy a room/reach milestones. But the gradual increase in humans is based on total profit. So if your total profit last generation was 50 quintillion, you won't start gradually gaining humans the next generation until after 50 quintillion.
  7. pixeldunce

    pixeldunce Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
    Sad that a clicker Game doesn't involve any clicking.
  8. indalico

    indalico Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    I think they based it on lifetime cash earnings. That's what other similar games do.

    Another issue is far close is their cash currently to their lifetime amount? Being too far apart wouldn't register any change (i.e. decillions of cash lifetime to trillions current). Far what I recall because of programming constraints, being 2^53 (or was it 2^52) times apart wouldn't register any change.
  9. Jakemat16

    Jakemat16 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Man the last zone realllly slows down lol.
  10. kefka95

    kefka95 New Member

    Mar 28, 2016

    At about 200k humans, and still enjoying the game. A few suggestions for the developers:

    1. Fix/clarify the math on perks. The "X percent increase in production" perks seem to have little to no effect. It increases production a little bit, but nowhere near what it says it does, and it certainly doesn't justify the cost to purchase them. I've started purchasing the perks only when they're trivially cheap as a result.
    2. Please add a "money per second" indicator for each floor. Currently it's quite a headache to try and figure out how much "real" production you're getting out of each floor.
    3. Maybe this changes as the game continues, but it seems like the cost/value ratios could use some general re-balancing. Currently the most recent floor produces 90%+ of your overall money at any given moment, and there's no reason to ever go back and upgrade the previous floors.
  11. Pyapiopi

    Pyapiopi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Just to help a bit, the perks are increasing based on your previous perk. So the +40% is really only adding 20% more because the first perk was +20%. Definitely misleading.

    Also stuff definitely needs rebalancing. On every floor the "Fun" room is by far the most productive. It even costs less to upgrade than the "Hobbies" room. And you can reach level 300 on the "fun" room far before most of the earlier rooms. It's very weird.
  12. indalico

    indalico Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011

    Percent increases are different for each thing. In Suburbia, the Workshop and Fun both have the lowest cost multipliers of 7%. From top to bottom, they are: 7%, 15%, 14%, 13%, 12%, 11%, 10%, 9%, 8%, and 7%. I haven't compared the other areas, though I expect them to be the same.

    It's the same numbers that AdCap (Earth) uses. Difference there is it's balanced to have many viable choices to gain bonus multipliers. Not so much here.
  13. ineptidude

    ineptidude Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2013
    Love the game. I was looking for something to replace Adventure Capitalist since I just finished conquering that game (except for Earth, which is unbeatable). My only question is if I can download the push the button song anywhere? I want it to be my morning wake up alarm :)
  14. Lorena

    Lorena Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Is this game it like Tiny Tower?
  15. scrotty

    scrotty Active Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 6, 2012
    #75 scrotty, Mar 28, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    Suffers from poor investment/payoff

    I've been a fan of exponential growth (henceforth "exgro") games for a long time. When looking back over my time spent playing various genres of games I realize I've spent more time with exgro games actively running on my devices (not necessarily actively concentrating on them) than any other type. I honestly have invested thousands of hours on my CPUs in these games.

    I've also spent money on F2P variants such as Adventure Capitalist. (Probably about $25 on that one game.)

    So there's the "tell you where I sit before I tell you where I stand".

    The secret to a fun exgro game is well-balanced transitions between plateau and growth. A good analogy is a rollercoaster. Rollercoasters are combinations of slow climbs that are rewarded with exhilarating descents. Most of the time on a rollercoaster is spent in that slow climb. The anticipation builds as you reach the top and the last couple seconds before the drop are almost excruciating. Then the whoosh of speed, wind, and floatiness – the payoff that makes the build up worthwhile. And then you start again on a new hill to slowly ascend…

    When translated to the exgro those slow climbs are the slogs where you are hours (or days!) from then next major multiplier. If you’re impatient you might watch some ads and/or pay a buck to slightly boost the slog. But you’re always looking up at the peak. You might do some math (wolfram|alpha is my friend) or even enter some data in a spreadsheet. You’re calculating when you’re going to reach the top, how to eke out a hair more velocity, and how to maximize the whoosh.

    And just like a real rollercoaster, the few seconds at the tippy-top are the most dramatic. You know that all the time you’ve spent climbing this hill are about to pay off.

    The payoff is crucial – it’s the reward for the effort. In an exgro the payoff is where you attain a new exponential growth gear. When you get that new gear you relish the next time you have this same hill to climb because you’ll be able to do it two times, or three times, or TEN times faster! It just took you three days to reach this summit, next time you’ll be able to get there in 3 minutes. And that hill way back there? That one that took you a whole week to climb? You now fly over it in 300 milliseconds. You are so powerful!

    Doomsday Clicker has some great features: theme, visuals, music/sound, the full complement of multiplier possibilities. It even does a pretty good job including a clicker that makes active involvement with the application useful.

    But it misses the mark with the core exgro mechanic of balanced plateau and subsequent grow. A side effect to gaining mutants while clicking is that those gained via coins are practically negated. I have little reason to restart because my active mutant count is always 3-8x more than those in reserve. Thus I lose the rush of climbing those old hills – a major misstep.

    But even if restarts were viable, that aspect of the game is broken too. There is no apparent determinism in mutant growth. My reserve mutants grow in unpredictable fits and starts. Wolfram|alpha can’t help me. I can’t play with the numbers! This is like a rollercoaster where you can't sense the top. That building anticipation is nowhere to be found. Another misstep.

    Another problem is the terrible pacing of mutant bonuses. After one million mutants you can elect to receive a 1% per-mutant bonus at the cost of 250,000 mutants. That tradeoff is stupid until you have 26,750,000 mutants! Why offer it so early? Something better should have been used in its place. PikPok, exgro fans aren’t dumb. Why do you offer to sabotage their growth rather than reward it?

    Finally, the payoffs are all wrong. I’ve spent essentially five straight days on this app and haven’t had a single satisfying whoosh. I’ve stuck with it because I’m used to the grind in these type games. But a well-balanced game should get you hooked first before it forces the grind. In Doomsday Clicker I feel like I’m plodding up Goliath only to get a My Little Pony drop as payoff.

    Here is an example of a major letdown. I expected that when I managed to upgrade all my bunkers to the silver tier (blue/gray?) I'd be rewarded with a bonus multiplier for my effort. But no, nothing. There are places where players expect rewards to appear. Much like a slot machine where you're trying to get a row full of red cherries, getting all the colors to match up (say, when all the bunkers are now silver) is such a place. When that expectation is not met with an actual reward confidence in the game is diminished and resentment sets in.

    The good news is that balance issues can be fixed. They need to make the reward match the investment better. They need to make restarts a viable option (suggestion: reduce the number of mutants dropped by squished vermin. In its place add, say, a low probability 10 minute 2x multiplier). They need to redo the mutant “sacrificing” bonuses.

    As a F2P revenue generator I'd warn PikPok that they've missed the mark and will bring in much less money they they could. I have no incentive to purchase gold. The only time I do so in exgros is when I see the top of that hill, know the payoff is going to be huge, and I just can't wait two days to get there. I have to have it within 6 hours! In Doomsday Clicker I can neither tell where I am on the hill nor what the payoff will be when I eventually get there. Hence there is no reason for me to buy a multiplier to get there quicker.

    Until balance is fixed I'm putting Doomsday Clicker back on the shelf. For me it’s back to trying to beat the "unbeatable" Earth in AdCap. I’ve heard the whoosh is totally worth it.
  16. killy billy

    killy billy Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    planet iphone/ipad
    Man, i dont understand the red button!
    When should i push this?
    I tried it after 5 minutes when i first played the game, but after doing that everything resets?
    Is this normal?
  17. scrotty

    scrotty Active Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 6, 2012
    #77 scrotty, Mar 29, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    The idea behind the red button is that when pressed you gain the benefits of the mutants you've built up over time - but at the cost of having to reset back to the beginning. Each mutant contributes a tiny fraction of increased value to your Workshop, Power, Water... bunkers.

    So when you first start the game you have no mutants and you thus no bonus growth. At that time let's say the Workshop produces 1 coin per second.

    If you gain 100 mutants and press the red button all your bunkers reset to zero but now that Workshop that previously produced 1 coin per second will produce: 100 mutants x 5% bonus x 1 coin/sec = 5 coins per second! That's a 5x improvement. (This increase in productivity affects all your bunkers - not just Workshop, BTW)

    Eventually you'll get into the millions, billions, ..., quintillions of mutants each contributing 5% bonus. And what was initially producing 1 coin per second will be producing thousands, millions, ..., quadrillions of coins per second.

    Pressing the red button is worth it - but only if you have accumulated enough mutants to make your reset worth the hassle of starting over.
  18. scrotty

    scrotty Active Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 6, 2012
    #78 scrotty, Mar 29, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    Only minimally. They both have cute "minions" spread across floors. But while TT is about growing your building one floor at a time, this game is about using your existing floors/bunkers to generate exponentially increasing money.
  19. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    I'm still playing. Like I said before though it's really not a clicker u stay and play but come back and upgrade through the day or days.
    Manual clicking would be great
  20. ypai1217

    ypai1217 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2013
    There is some clicking involved though via squishing the mutant rats, bugs and vultures for bonuses.

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