This, my friends, is what happens when you don't read ANYTHING before you buy an app or post on a thread about that app. Don't let this be you.
I'm kinda sick of tilt controls but this is appropriate and well executed use of tilt. It does drain the batt a little. I was in the camp that said "$10 for a rail shooter? no freaking way" ---- after buying at the $3 price I almost wish I got it earlier. (ok not really cuz I'm a cheap bastard) I cant recommend this title enough. If I'm wrong you can punch me in the face.
lol. I usually don't read the descriptions, I just read the reviews. but everyone should let me be you.
Yea, the controls are perfect but perhaps they could increase the speed of the aiming? kinda slow imo.
That's what on-rails means: movement and camera angle are pre-programmed -- player shoots at enemies and interacts with the environment. If you expect an FPS experience, you will be disappointed. If you expect an intense shooter with great graphics and challenging gameplay (particularly in the harder difficulty levels), you'll find it to be a very enjoyable game. If you are looking for an actual FPS, you should give Duke Nukem 3d a try. The controls need work (you can fiddle with the options to make it playable, but even then they could be much improved); still, you get the full PC game, free movement and all. It's funny, challenging, and action packed.
I haven't played DN3D, but from what I've heard, he's better off picking up Wolf3d for $.99 at the moment, which has excellent controls. I've never understood the hate for Rail shooters. Sure, they're not what most people are used to, but that doesn't mean they can't be excellent. I'm really looking forward to playing more of this, and can't wait for Dead Space Extraction (Wii). Still kind of amusing how many people seem not to bother to read anything about Doom Res before picking it up, even after all these months.
I didn't read anything but reviews in the app store, but thanks for telling me what that means. Duke Nukem didn't look that good, the graphics were not my taste.
Totally Worth it I bought Doom Resurrection at it's initial Price, and it was totally worth it for me. Basically if you like any on rails game: Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, house of the dead. Definitely pick up this game, support it. So that more developers especially ID keep creating new content, rather than rehashes. Besides who knows? know that they were able to experiment and creat a rail shooter using Doom 3 assets, they may possibly create the full shooter experience next year. Doom Resurrection is a lot better than MGST, Time Crisis, and Silent Scope. The gameplay and grapics are much better than any mobile rail shooter, I like the gameplay, and appreciate what they tried to. And this was when I bought it for $9.99. At $2.99 this game is a steal. For the price of 3 sessions at an acade playing Time Crisis, you have a game that lasts hours longer not to mention multiple difficulty levels.
It's DOOM, dammit, that's all the info you need! Remember that thread where everyone who had played it gave it 10 thumbs up and the only guys who didn't like it were the ones who didn't have enough money to purchase it? In short, yes, this game is well worth it, especially if you're a fan of RS or old school FPS games like Quake and Half-life, and especially if you like DOOM.
To anyone who said that on-rails sucks, are you saying you don't like House of the dead? Time Crisis? (not counting ipod version). I grew up with those games, I spent hundreds of dollars on HOTD, and probably beat every one at least.......hmm, 20 times? Buy it. Now. Now if you excuse me, i'm gonna go play house of the dead on the dreamcast......
I'm also pretty hesitant to get this, since I truly loathe rail shooters. Nothing else really to add to the conversation
If you don't like this game, it's because you go into it not WANTING to like it. I can't imagine any game fan in general not thinking this is a stellar title. There's nothing about it that isn't first class all the way. The haters are strictly narrow minded about this whole "on-rails" nonsense.
A fantastic game through and through. Not a bug in site, nor a spelling error. The graphics are top, the whole thing runs like butter on my 1G Touch, and they made really sensible use of the on rail thing. To play this free roaming on this device would be awful...
It means you're not controlling your character's movement throughout the environment. Here, you're controlling where you aim and fire, and what you can pick up on the way. If you've played Time Crisis Strike or House of the Dead games, those are on rails. He's calling him stupid for being so closed minded, not for ignorance.
Honestly, a while back when this first came out, I was one saying that I'd hesitate because it was on rails. But I got this yesterday and it's sooooooo worth it. Seriously, it's got a good story and everything and it doesn't feel cheap at all. If people haven't persuaded you by now, then you probably won't end up getting it. But there's my 2 cents. Go buy it