Say that louder. Maybe Carmack'll hear you and actually think about a Wii version. Why Wii? The Wiimote uses the same tech as modern light guns, and as it's the stock controller no additional purchase of a peripheral is necessary to enjoy the game. Therefore, widest possible audience for such a game. id is big on that sort of thing.
Big Albie and Hodapp must be dabbing in vodoo because anytime they tell me to buy a game at a price drop I always do it. BTW I saw this little news piece about Doom Resurrection where they are not only dropping the price but plan to add a new level and "challenge mode". I always appreciate when the big games continue to work on new levels to give it replay value. Here is the link
"John Carmack also confessed that a multiplayer mode for Doom Resurrection is "coming later once 3.0 adoption is universal."
haha my funds are seriously lacking, but every day iTunes gets the money! Great game though, one of the best I've played for the iDevice.
quick question, is there any way to prevent the 3.0 app icon bug from happening? Also, and I bet this has been asked 100 times, but does restoring from my backup also restore my saved games? I dont really want to hard boot my device because the last couple lite version games I have hard-booted on have changed icons. I want to try this game soon though!
Here is a useful solution to avoid/fix wrong icons; made by yours truly
How about an online or adhoc co-op mode in which one person controls the moving with their idevice while someone else does the looking around and firing. Then an insane difficulty level could be enabled that allows a new play through the same environments but without as much scripting. That would be fun, since composite control of the character might end up approximating that of a single player on a pc or console. There could be 2-on-2 deathmatches in which a total of 4 players on separate idevices make up each team. A "tag-team" toggle could quickly swap the responsibilities between the two players controlling a given character and such a resource might be strategically valuable, depending on the situation. The toggle responsibility could be delegated either to the "captain" or it could decided mutually via a virtual switch that both players would need to activate. Anyway, having such a co-op might be one fringe way of killing time with this title during long flight delays, layovers, etc.
That would be absolutely insane. But it would be weird playing with a teammate if u didn't talk to him or anything. But it would still b awesome.
I'm probably going to be going back and forth debating this until sunday. I need to make sure all my bills are paid before I spend money on a game.
Great, so the cheap bastardos who won't upgrade for 10 bucks are keeping us from getting multiplayer. Fantastic. Get a clue people. The train is moving on, hop on or be left behind.
You might get thrown in jail for buying this game... BECAUSE IT'S A STEAL!!!!! hahahahahaha yeah I said it.
Despite the big fuss about the rails, I decided to purchase this anyway (for $2.99 you gotta be crazy not to! At least for doom fans). I'm not a big fan of shooters on rails, but this one's an exception just coz it's Doom... and I wasn't at all disappointed
I'm not going to get this, as I'm not going to buy any shooters until KillTest and have just spent $40 in a week on apps.
Probably not then, unless someone can convince me REALLY good. Not because of of on rails, I've just never played a Doom game and to be honest not many shooters (I've only really played COD5/4, Uncharted, Black).
Look, if you need convincing then it's probably not for you. I think it's one of the top 10 games in the app store. I think it was at 10 dollars, and I honestly think it's a huge mistake for them to have dropped it this low. If what you've heard thus far and a 3 dollar price tag hasn't convinced you, it most likely never will. Just know that this is top quality in every way. You may not like this type of game, but right now this is the best example of this type of game on the devices...and unfortunately, I don't see KillTest coming out anytime soon.
Oh well based on those games it means you've been spoiled You can probably find Doom somewhere free to play. I'm pretty sure its freeware now.