u wont believe I bought it yesterday and played it just this morning... "breaks down and cries" ;( ;(
Hey my iPod Touch is still showing it with a $2.99 listing, with a $9.99 "Buy" icon!Stupid App Store! Anyone else running into this?I want it, but even iTunes still says that it is $9.99!I want to buy into this crazy goodness, but not at $9.99 a pop. No way, man. No way.
yeah, if you just search for doom in itunes, it will show $2.99 in the search and $2.99 in the app, but if you click a link like from appshopper to the app, it shows $9.99
So wait, is it on sale still or no? On the page it got changed back to $9.99 but under the search it's still $2.99.
Went off to do some work for a bit, it just let me buy it now. Got charged $2.99. Interesting though: I searched for it again, it shows $2.99 there, click on it, shows $9.99, but if I click on anything on the game's page it goes back to $2.99. Goofy mis-updating iTunes store. I wasn't even planning on buying this game anytime soon, but can't resist for the price. (If it 'Peggles' I'll be upset, though not much. )
Alright, just bought and it charged $2.99, has anyone tried Wolfenstein 3D yet? It's listed as $0.99 under search but on the page it's still $2.99.
I just bought it under the search and was only charged $2.99. But the main Doom page said $9.99 for me. Can't wait to play!
Crap! I tried to buy it and it gave me an unknown error report (-9808)!When will I finally get to play this?!?
I didn't buy it, but thought it interesting that on the Wolf 3d Classic page, it shows as Category: Games, but if you click the icon it switches to Category: Entertainment... Oops!
Yeah, I agree. But hey, I've had the game for a while now. Indeed, putting the price that low is devaluing a good product but, alas, it's going to happen a lot until a premium section finally comes or apple changes the way the top games list works (from amount downloaded to revenue earned).
You have a point. I guess at least a lot more people are going to be exposed to how awesome this is, and we'll have more people to counter that ridiculous "OMG it's on RAILS!" bull.
Yeah, it kind of bothered me that they were judging the game that way and probably haven't even played it yet. The "on rails" part of this game really does not ruin it. Great graphics, sound, controls. Sounds like a win, win, and win to me! It'll be interesting to see, now that the price is low, how their opinions will magically change.