Doom 2? Screw that. Let's skip right to Doom 3 Really though, do you think it's possible they'll be able to bring out Doom 3 on the iPhone, and it staying a rather faithful port?
Nope...Never going to happen. Perhaps we could use the gameloft shoehorn technique, and squeeze some scaled back textures, bland enviroments, and 4 hour campaign into the doom3 brand...who knows.
Still very expensive for an oldies, sorry but I prefer Rise of The Triad on Iphone even if Doom is a better game...
Why? On my iPad it looks fine at 2x pixels. It would be n ice as a universal app, but the original game was so pixelated anyway that even at double-pixel it looks alright.
Thanks for the info. At least I know it's possible to run in 2x mode. I will try again, I know I pushed on the 1x button and it would not change. It may be a setting or the app needs to be reinstalled. Thanks again, Rad
there is a doom3 like game out on the appstore called doom ressurection, they used alot of the graphics, monsters and weapons from doom 3 to make this game, so its almost like a port.