Universal DOOM (by id Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by doctorded, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. CJH

    CJH Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    I'm not sure exactly what it does, but it seems to make the turning less sensitive. I like keeping it on.

    I also noticed that turning "center sticks" off turns the analog sticks into d-pads, like wolfenstein. Interesting, although after getting used to the analog sticks, I wouldn't want to go back.

    After playing this game a fair amount, I really like these controls. They were definitely well thought out.
  2. antosimoni

    antosimoni Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009

    yeah that is an interesting setting although Im on the opposite as Id like to have center sticks off so its very similar to wolfie and a bit less sensitive

    do you have my same issue that link to DC website wont work?
  3. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    No I wouldn't. I would just have a choice of soundtrack. I could play doom classic with the old soundtrack, or play doom with the psx soundtrack. The obsession with limiting something due to feelings of nosalgia is irrational. If you want to play the original, you are free to. But there is no reason to limit everyone to your preference. An option of a mode with an alternative soundtrack would not stop you from enjoying your classic mode.

    As for the insistance that improved asthetics do not improve a game, that is a subjective view. Why limit the choice of improved visuals just because you don't like them? If doom loses it's magic for you with higher textures (!), then you would be free to play classic mode. I'm not suggesting that doom classic be cast aside, but an improved textures/soundtrack mode for those who don't share the feelings of nostalgia or don't feel the need to limit a game to their personal preferences might be nice.

    Anyway, as this is doom classic, I didn't expect anything except classic mode. I'd just like the option of an enhanced mode.
  4. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    within those two lines one could assume the idea of doom classic went over your head. i don't see how gamers just enjoying doom as it was in its original form is any more irrational than someone being displeased that the playstation soundtrack isn't available in doom classic. and i really wish you would stop claiming this made up "obsession to limit things." it's such an exaggerated weak point in your argument. did you miss the fact that doom has been remade and redone mostly by the hardcore doom community? i even have examples in my previous post for you. i apologize that many people purchasing doom classic are doing so to play doom in its original, classic form. that's just the way it is. please stop claiming that people are against you because we're "obsessed" with limiting your options. it's petty. you just need to understand the product that we're talking about here. which is bizarre, because you claim you didn't expect any more, and yet you argue so much over the psx soundtrack. by all means continue the argument if you must, i'm fine with more options as dlc. if you're lucky john will listen to you. but please stop arguing about it like we're against you because we want less options. the argument is more "what did you expect from doom classic?"

    seriously, you act like we would all be crying if we instead received an ultra doom package complete with classic mode, and a new remade mode with new visuals, soundtrack options, levels, weapons etc. if you really believe that you need to open up your eyes a little.
  5. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    Based on the awesome, free, and unannounced updates to Wolf 3D, I think we'd be foolish to think that this game won't get played with, tweaked, and improved upon (although I'm absolutely happy with it as is). Carmack obviously likes this platform, he put this port out basically because he personally wanted to, and he did a great job at it. Think of how bad this could have been. Think of how people would be complaining if there weren't so many good control options, or if the graphics and sound had been messed with too much. No offense, but if people can nitpick this awesome release, think of what could have been. If you're a fan of Id games, you are quite happy, and looking forward to what's still to come.
  6. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    agreed. i still can't believe we got spear of destiny for free. i love id's support of the iphone, and i look forward to the dlc. especially doom 2! bigger, better...ridiculously harder. and complete with double barreled shotgun baby. it all can't come soon enough. there might even be soundtrack options for those in the community that have made it a point that they want it. ;)
  7. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    Yeah I see your point. Although a few people acted as it was mental to even think of having another soundtrack. And yeah, my arguments were over exaggerated!

    Anyway, you're right. Doom classic is what it is.
  8. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    admittedly, there are ultra purists who would shun the idea of prettying up a classic like doom, but they're deep in the minority, and obviously need to get over the fact that we're talking about a video game in the big picture of things.

    believe me when i say i wouldn't mind the option for the psx soundtrack at all. it's actually really good and a lot more moody, and definitely warrants a second playthrough of the game as it makes doom feel different. in a good way.

    but you already said it best...at the end of the day, it's doom classic, and it is what it is.

    now gimme that dlc
  9. Malrulezzzu

    Malrulezzzu Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    Would love to see Quake 1 on the Ipod. I will buy this on thursday when I pick up a new ITUNES card. Speaking of controls I tried to play Earthworm Jim and I am finding it a chore instead of fun. Some games don't translate well to a handheld with no buttons , at least for me.
  10. Derek800

    Derek800 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    Has anyone tried the multiplayer for this game yet? I tried playing someone and it has so much lag that it's pretty much useless. We were right in the room with the router and it kept trying to find the signal every few seconds.
  11. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    in recent news Don Ivan Punchatz, the man behind the kickass cover art to doom 1, has died today at the age of 73. his family had to pull the plug on him due to a heart attack that caused him to lose consciousness. he had done a lot of work for other publications like TIME and even Playboy, but i think most of us here will remember him for his iconic box art for doom.


    that and maybe some of his Playboy work.

  12. Trotgar

    Trotgar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2009
  13. gekkota

    gekkota Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    I don't see where anyone was acting "mental." I think it was more a case of you getting your panties all twisted over nothing.

    At last! Dawn breaks on yonder ledge!
  14. CJH

    CJH Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Let's be realistic, they aren't gonna release the PSX soundtrack as DLC. Where would it end? Why don't they release the SNES soundtrack, or the Atari Jaguar soundtrack? You can listen to it through your iPod, that's what the feature is for.
  15. oliath

    oliath Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    Just want to post back because i have been playing the C@&@ out of this game over the weekend and it really is well executed.

    Also reminds me that even still.... after all these years... the shotgun in DOOM is the best shotgun in the world ever.
  16. CJH

    CJH Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    So I finished the first episode a few minutes ago, and the end of episode debriefing came up and started typing the text on the screen. The only problem is that the menu icon stays up in the upper left hand corner, blocking text. Not a huge deal, just thought I'd mention it.
  17. Zack101

    Zack101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
    This is a brilliant remake but they put extra time into the controls? U would have thought they would be better :(
  18. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    Hey, I didn't say they were acting 'mental'!! The suggestion was that they thought I was mental! I.e. 'why would anyone want a different soundtrack! I'm flabbergasted' and similar posts to that effect. Those aren't direct quotes, as I'm too lazy to read back. And I was exaggerating with the 'mental' remark. No one was suggesting that I had lost control of my mental faculties (although I'm sure a few people were thinking it pretty loudly).

    Anyway, i concede that my argument was long, exaggerated and largely pointless! The result of having a fever, which means I'm off work, have a lot of time on my hands and am suffering from slightly impaired cognitive abilities.

    BTW I do love doom classic. Aside from HL2, it's the only FPS I've ever really liked. I think the controls hold up well on the iphone; although I think it was actually easier to control on the GBA (a surprisingly decent version). Still, the novelty of having doom in my pocket hasn't worn off. Hell, it isn't even a novelty. It's a privilege!
  19. Trotgar

    Trotgar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2009
    Is there a possibility to lock the controls in place so you don't have to drag them, like in Wolf3D?

    Because if there isn't I hope they add it.
  20. CJH

    CJH Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Yep, turn "center sticks" off.

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