I have the same specs and am not experiencing crashes (yet). Longest played time has been about 40 minutes in one sitting. iPad Air 64gb cellular, iOS 8.4. I'd LOVE the option of playing this on my 6+ too though - hint hint Klei.
Experiencing no problems at all.. I'm on 8.3, iPad mini 2... Reached day 23 before going insane lol... I've been scared to update to 8.4
I found a developer forum response to a player who could not play because of crashes. It left a link to a page where they were a few helpful tips, including uninstall and reinstall the game as a last resort. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Once I passed the 12th day I encountered the same problem - crashes within a few minutes, even when trying to save manually.
ah ic... vovin and luciano. thanks for declaring. I would tend to give it 4 and a half. i miss a tutorial, but i think thats part of the game
64GB iPad 3 here. No crashes or problems whatsoever. I wonder what is causing all these crashes I am reading about?
Has any timeframe been mentioned on the iPhone version? Or if they will lower the firmware requirement for the iPad version. I don't wanna have to upgrade for one game.
Damn it iPad air 2 so much crashing it is unplayable. IPad air 1 which is my wife's iPad zero crashes. Hope they update soon
IPad air 2 is on iOS 8.1.3 with jailbreak but I don't have any problems with other apps. IPad air 1 is on iOS 8.3 no jailbreak
Which One? So I've acquired more survival/crafting games than I have any chance of playing in the near term. Since I only have time for one at the moment, which should I play? Don't Starve Radiation Island Terraria Survivalcraft Blockfortress Junk Jack X (something else)
Don't Starve is the most content rich of those. Other good choices could be Terraria or Radiation Island.
Does the game run smoothly on an iPad 3 for anyone? I have a 16gb one and for me it's inappropriately laggy compared to the PC version. Also, what's up with the blurry gfx, anyone else notice that? I very clearly understand minimum requirements being a PC gamer but the game's almost unplayable on my iPad 3, which is fairly unfortunate considering this advertised as being able to run it. Edit: oh that's so cool, the size of the UI affects the performance, so it's either go blind or not play the game....