It's in the first line of the description. The compatibility list is controlled by Apple and notoriously misinformed. Don't punish the game studio because of Apple. And if you can't bother to read the first line of the description before throwing money down, well...I give YOU a 1-star.
to stress this point, don't blame Klei for this, blame Apple. The only thing that attitude will do accomplish is to limit developers from producing on Apple devices. Do you REALLY want that? If you want to do something, read and contact Apple to complain about it. Get a refund. But don't be a jerk and rate a game 1 star because you didn't take the time to either read the description or deal with the people who don't allow developers to be more restrictive, Apple themselves. On another note, has anyone been able to resolve the issues with multiple stacks? Moving them/cooking/etc?
Is there a way to split stacks of items? If I have 5 carrots I'd rather not drop them all for a trap (I do know about baiting a trap but that's no good because you lose the item). Also would be useful for putting some of a stack in a chest but not all.
I also want to add that the game world doesn't always load with your preferences, i. i choose "long day" and only 1 out of 10 games actually start with long day, the other 9 start with normal day/dusk/night durations. Please devs, if you read this fix the day/night durations in preferences along with bigger UI options, stack usage, and a V-stick control scheme maybe instead of tapping everywhere.
The best way to get in touch with the devs is to directly post on their forums, tweet at them or use their support email. By the way, not sure if you know but you can move the character by dragging around your finger, but the movement is relative to the center of the screen. It's still preferable to continuously tapping for movement.
i know, thanks though my biggest problem is i've been starting and deleting games for the last 10 minutes trying to get the "long day" seeting to work.. if anyone knows a workaround on that, i'd appreciate it because right now it seems like i have to get really lucky to get the long day even though it's selected in world preference. Previously i posted 1/10 games, now i'm not sure about 1/30...
I've managed to create three consecutively successful long day worlds. To do so, I changed the setting in the World option, applied and then repeated the process two or three more times (basically going into world settings and applying repeatedly). Worked each time, for both with and without Reign of Giants. But yes, the game does have some issues with custom world generation.
Hm... there definately must be. On PC, holding CTRL while left clicking a stack will give you exactly half of that stack, if the stack is an odd number, it'll give you half of the stack rounded down. If you want to drop just ONE item on the ground from the stack that you have, then hold CTRL the click on the ground where you want to drop the item. But I don't have the game yet (on iOS), so I dunno how this translates to iOS. Tried double-tapping or pinching, or maybe holding a finger on the item while tapping with a second finger somewhere else? Oh, another little Suggestion for all you guys. You can carry a little more items than allowed to. Craft a campfire but don't drop it down. It won't take up space in your inventory. And campfires always come in handy. Works with other items, too.
There is no way to split stacks on the iPad version. A lot of the stack based operations seem to be missing, I've already tweeted at Klei once about this. Hopefully the small issues here and there will be ironed out in a few updates soon. Also, this was mentioned on reddit, if you craft and item, don't place it down and then craft another item then you lose the originally crafted item.
Hmm... can't believe this, this wouldn't make sense. No splitting stacks? Who on earth would, let's say, light up a whole pile of gun powder at once? I'll dig into this. Are there options where you can manage controls? PC has an option where you can tether the split action. Or can you try the following? Grab the stacks from inventory to cursor, then tap or double-tap on either the ground or inventory to try to make a single separate stack. Because on PC, if you press control and click on an inventory Slot without bringing it to the cursor, you will divide the stack evenly into two stacks, one in inventory, one on cursor. Oh yeah, sorry if that suggestion came across wrong. You can always carry one crafted item, and it's always the last you've crafted. I meant to say that it works with a lot of different items, but there's always just one you can hold.
Just got a tweet back from Klei, they are investigating both issues now. Also, the options cannot be modified in any way. You can only change UI settings. I've tried pretty much everything possible I know of in terms of iOS UI and controls, nothing works. The game doesn't even use a double tap gesture, which is sort of a positive because that's one way of adding these operations into the game.
Klei posted a picture on their instagrammed, linked a few pages back, as a "joke" comment to the titling of an iPad only version as pocket. They were pretending to put an iPad in their back pocket, but the iPhone sticking half out of the front was running Don't Starve. Official? Not completely. But based on that there's little doubt it's coming.
This is so good... I didn't play like this since a long time. I don't care about the icons, the game is so deep, brrrrrr... Such a good game on ios..
I play this game on iPad Air iOS 8.4 (no jailbreak) and is crashing every 5-10 minutes. Until an update to fix the crashes this game is unplayable for me.
[thread=259448][/thread] [thread=265993][/thread] [thread=265930][/thread] [thread=265908][/thread] [thread=266079][/thread] [thread=265913][/thread] [thread=265929][/thread] Don't Starve: Pocket Edition is one of the nominees for Touch Arcade Forums' Game Of The Week July 9th, 2015 VOTE HERE ***PLEASE NOTE*** 1) Developers, publishing partners, or affiliates cannot vote for their own games. If your game is in the poll, you can't vote for it. You are free to ask TA forum posters in your game release thread to vote for your game... but please don't post multiple messages about it. 2) This voting is for TA members with some activity. If you have to ask someone to create a new account to vote, you're doing it wrong. 3) Suspect votes may be void. Credit to AndyC83 for GotW logo