agreed. After not seing any replies i bought it anyway, and it IS playable, but even on the largest UI setting (5), the UI bars at the left and bottom are kind of small. And what you say also about the stack. The only good thing is the left and right buttons, they save a lot of time on the touchscreen. I do hope there will be an update for bigger bars and stack usage from the devs.
I want to clear up something I posted I thought an iPhone version was a sure thing and while they did drop a big hint about it they have also not confirmed it either so sorry about that. Fingers are crossed though i will now exit the forum in hopes I can return when the iPhone version arrives Happy gaming
I know man, it's a shame, cause I agree with you completely. I'm hoping for an update though too, cause they have the money and audience base to justify polishing the game quite a bit. A bigger UI would be amazing too.
Am I the only not completely put off by the controls and UI? I'm having a blast with the game and have not felt annoyed at any point. But I do agree that equipping a stack should be an option, maybe if you hold your finger on the item in your inventory one of the options should be "grab stack" and then it gets attached to your "cursor" allowing you to use it as many times as you need, and another hold option after that could be to put it back to inventory. As for the UI I've been playing on 3, I find 5 is a little intrusive on the play area.
Controls could be better, a virtual joystick is welcome.. Or actual MFi support. For now though it's good !
I think most people who are put off by the UI and inventory interactions are PC players. I love the game myself, just made it to my first summer ever on day 25 today and died of overheating. Didn't know that was a thing. Game's amazing, but this port's just an update or two away from being on par with PC. Not a bad thing, looking forward to it. For now though, it's an inferior port of a great game.
woo I've got a full day off from work today so I've just bought this and looking forward to sitting down and putting some time in to see what all the fuss is about.
Hm... searched for it, but nothing came up. Oh well, guess that the photo is evidence enough. But best news is that the Reign Of Giants-dlc is already included. It is just too bad that we're not able to enjoy the absolutely fantastic horror mod "The Screecher" (which turns Don't Starve completely into another (Silent Hill- or Slenderman-like) game). Or is it in? Mod was made by Klei and oozes charme... while terrifying you. The Halloween Horror mod on PC is also fantastic.
I'm sure I've read that others were experiencing this as well, but unsure if it was TA. Playing on Retina mini, intermittently will crash and lose a day's progress. No set pattern besides occurring usually when it is trying to save at the start of a morning. Not related to any item, gear, place or action that I can replicate. Anyone else here on the forums? Or just me? Edit: iOS 8.4, retina mini 32gb, non JB.
Hmmm I'm playing on retina mini 8.3, only been playing for an hour so far but it hasn't crashed on me yet.
When I started the game and the voices where done with psychotic music, I knew this would be awesome. I wasn't disappointed.
Nope, you're not alone. Playing on a mini retina as well, iOS 8.3, and crashes randomly, usually after a longer playthrough or during the auto-save. It doesn't happen too often though... Game is awesome, by the way, though I'm really bad at it
I have this game on PC and it is great. Yes, I am one who game the game a 1 star rating because it didnt work on my iPad. If the game isnt intended for my hardware, then take it off of the compatibility list so I don't see it in the appstore.
Heheh yeah, I guess that's why the game is so fun. There's just so much to discover, and I feel like I have only barely scratched the surface. Fantastic value for money, and if anyone's on the fence, I can't recommend this game enough. It has a way to really pull you into the world, but then gives you no mercy, no forgiveness. Live with your choices, if you can
I'm IPad mini 2 (retina) and can tell when it's going to crash - if I've been on a while or I'm a couple of weeks in and there's a lot going on, the game'll start to stutter and drop frames and sound. If I'm not quick on the manual save it'll crash within seconds and will have lost the day. So yeah, watch for the stutter till the update