Discovery,Survival,Exploration. It's basically a survival roguelike. Best review from steam for me. Survived countless hounds, a spider queen and a Deerclops. Got killed by a frog. 10/10
some guy in comment this: if you are jalibroken on iphone 5S you can install little brother tweak and change ip5S res for ip6 resolution then install fullforce for iphone to fit ip6 screen.
Does it have some sort of end game? Can you beat it? Or do you just try to survive for as long as possible? (If the latter, I'll probably skip it)
Me too. I am not a big fan of endless-like game where you play 1-2 hours and then start over no matter how much this one attracts me visually and not only. Thanks for the quick reply @hincy89
The cool thing (at least with the PC version, I assume this one has to be this way) is that it saves so you can quite and come back later and pick up right where you left off. So once you get good a game can last for quite a while.
Hi, is there a tutorial or something in this game? I tried it for 15 minutes today, died on the 1st day. I had no idea what I was doing... I was collecting everything I could and died after dark settled in.
I been thinking if I should buy, seems like a cool game but still I don't know if I should get it or not.
There's a wiki ,but part of the fun for me is learning by trial an error, a little death recon.
That is kind of the fun of it. You learn about the game by dying. If you do read up on strategies they basically take all of the fun away for a game like this. You do need to know the basics, like when night starts to fall have a fire source ready. You also have to stay fed. Outside of that it is a great big sandbox. You really are supposed to die early on when you start playing.
AFAIK on the PC version there's actually an objective to collect all the devices and go into the next world to take revenge on Maxwell or something like that-relevant to the opening story which mentions that Wilson was tricked by Maxwell. But I haven't tried it yet, I heard that second world is harder-and I die too much already on the 1st world But the fun comes from tweaking lot of stuffs, e.g. creating funny equipments, befriending the pigs ( Spoiler which sometimes turns into a werepig ), meeting much-too-strong enemy, etc. You will be immersed after maybe 5-6 deaths(depends on the person actually). And different chara have different ability that could change your game experience! Unlocking them is another fun things. I hope they could port Dont Starve Together on iPad too, playing with friends was absolutely hilarious.
True. That's why it's just not that simple as buying a new one. My life is great, the economy isn't. Anyway move on. Good idea. Ask your parents if they are going to buy it for you.
It was a joke based on your name, in reference to the comic character Constantine. As for the game. It does run on an iPad 4, I had it crash a few times and lost a chunk of the day I was on. I wish it had a save and continue option for that reason, but it DOES force auto save every day. So far the game is stressful, but awesome. I can't believe I'm getting it for this cheap, honestly. I think a rogue like meets mine craft is the best description for the game. The style, sound and atmosphere are excellent and well worth the measly $5. I hope one day it goes universal, but I also worry. This could become like crack on my phone.