People upgrade to 8.4. Apple doesn't patch old versions of iOS. Your running an OS with multiple zero day vulnerabilities. Honestly iOS 8 is much better than iOS 7. Safari crashing issues are a thousand times better.
This is a wonderful port, looks and moves beautifully, and the controls are as good as one could hope for on a touch device. It's also feature identical to the PC version, right down to the ridiculous amount of control you have over creating new worlds.
Funny, I consider Apple's mobile hardware processor-wise to be pretty cutting edge- when the iPad 2 came out there was really nothing in its league in terms of GPU, and they've really accelerated their advancements in CPU/GPU since around the iPad 4/iPhone 5 era But I agree, it's time to upgrade if you're still running an iPad 2 and interested in iOS games. And you can still get a few dollars for it to put towards a mini 2 or a first gen Air if you don't want to spring for the Air 2. Haven't played this game on PC but I'm probably going to buy it out of curiosity and seemingly popular love for it...
annoying, more and more games an ipad mini is not sufficient. Seems like the ipad mini 2 was the first to hit PC capability or something.
If your curiosity does best you please be sure to drop a note on its performance on your iPad2. I'm running one also for gaming, and it's been very faithful to me so far, will be sad to see it go when I upgrade. Thanks in advance
The bottleneck for most games on iPad 2 and the first Mini is the RAM, 512mb simply isn't enough. After that it's a requirement for A7 and 64-bit processors, sometimes for Metal but other times just for performance.
Check out this chart for relative power of iOS devices, it'll explain why some apps require the device combinations that they do.
Doesn't 8.3 and above break any iExplorer/iFunbox capabilities? I'm still on 8.1 because I'm not willing to lose the ability to manually back up saves.
Yeah just give me £250-399 and I will agree. Yes boo and it's more like bills, etc doesn't make things easier for me.
For those looking to play this game on iPhones, there are some prerequisites that need to be met: Jailbroken Purchased The Game A PC or Mac 20 minutes of free time Alright so let's get started; first please purchase the game & download it onto your computer. Locate the IPA file, somewhere within iTunes documents folder, and connect your JAILBROKEN iPhone. Using ifunbox, transfer the iPA file over to your file system. (NOTE: If you're iPhones filesystem cannot be accessed please install "AFC2ADD") Now open Cydia & install the tweaks "IPA Installer" & "Force Good Fit." Once installed, please open IPA installer, turning on force install within the apps settings & locate your legally obtained copy of Don't Starve Pocket Edition in your local iPhone file system. Install the game. If it is a successful install congratulations you've installed an iPad game on an iPhone (take that Apple!) Now you can stop here if 2 Black Bars on the screen are your thing, if not then continue reading. After the installation please go to your settings app, open the newly installed ForceGoodFit and enable it for the following application "Don't Starve." After a respring the game will now run at full screen; albeit, with some less than noticeable caveats. Some menus do not fully display option buttons, rarely does this occur (Don't Check the controls options!) Furthermore, in game UI overlaps, so within the Games settings, reduce UI size to at least 1. There you go! The game is very fun, enjoyable and now a true "Pocket Edition!"
Awesome. Too bad my phone's not jailbroken. But maybe things like this might convince the devs to make the game universal.
that's life man. Don't expect the world to stop for you... ...I am still on Ipad2 as well. It's old hardware and I no longer have any expectation that it will run current games. Just the way it goes...
I understand and would normally agree but I use a certain app to track my meds and was informed that it didn't work in iOS 8.x so that's the reason I stick to 7.1.2 After looking at this I might buy the PC version though, it's a nice compromise
how do the developers benefit from not allowing everyone to play the game. I have an iPad mini but that's not allowed to download and play. Wonder how much money they lose from not allowing 40-60% of Apple product owners buy their games.