Yes. But when you die, you earn experience based on how long you survived, which will eventually unlock more characters.
Me too.. I bought it about the same time as I did Crashlands, and never got very far into it.. Giving it another go.. I remember it being pretty challenging and dark, but in a good way...
=oD Ha, sorry I missed that earlier... Great stuff, great stuff. I just downloaded the Don't Starve Wikia app a couple weeks ago, and it's been a great help. Watching YouTube vids has made me kinda slow down as well instead of just rushing to get the next thing done.
Hmm, no clue. I have heard (on Klei's forums) that you can move the save from your phone to your Mac, but that issues arise when trying to move from Mac back to iDevice. I don't have a Mac, or I'd check. =o/
After the spoiling of Crashlands, i wanted to get back to this but realised i couldn't. Unlimited inventory and automatic switching to the needed tools without repair, now i can't play Don't Starve without them. It seems too cumbersome to the point of unfun.
Actually I tried this and it worked. Moving a save from iOS to Don't Starve on the Mac or Windows works fine but when moving the save back to iOS I can't find a way to make it work. Did anyone try this or come up with a possible workaround? This is the kind of game that is definitely lacking in value due to Klei Entertainment remaining unwilling to implement even a basic form of sync or multi-platform gameplay.
nice! thanks Jscro! now, which one to play, this or shipwrecked? i noticed on shipwrecked i start a little easier, but i think there are too many islands so the continuity of the world is better in the original. What do you guys think about which to play? PS i bought them both, just never played much because of the controls
If they fix the bugs with shipwrecked, I find it more fun and accessible. This control option helps out a lot with this one though. I have both!