Don't Run With a Plasma Sword

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by XperimentalZ, Aug 27, 2011.

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How nice does the game look to you?

  1. Looks as awesome as bacon! I'd buy!

    30 vote(s)
  2. Looks promising but I'd like to have more info first

    20 vote(s)
  3. Hmm not sure, needs work on gameplay

    3 vote(s)
  4. Hmm not sure, needs work on art

    16 vote(s)
  5. Hmm not sure, needs more content

    1 vote(s)
  6. Hmm not sure, needs work on title/story/thematic

    1 vote(s)
  7. Not interested, even if bacon is tossed along with it

    9 vote(s)
  1. jumpman475

    jumpman475 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Ithaca, NY
    Yeah the one with just the plasma sword makes the game look like a dumb lightsaber sounds app. Which it obviously isn't
  2. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
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    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    #82 XperimentalZ, Sep 7, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
    Another icon test, just to add to the confusion :p

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. PartTimeEvil

    PartTimeEvil Well-Known Member

    We were just posting about our game and saw your thread. We talked on twitter about your awesome title.

    Anyways, I would go with the most simple, clean icon with the largest image you can fit in there. And I agree with the person who said the sword makes it seem like a lightsaber app.

    Maybe an icon with the heroes head? And maybe more vector-style so it's clearer from a glance.

    Stuff is looking great on your game!
  4. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    First icon, though the sunburst stripes could be a little more defined to stand out in a small springboard icon.
  5. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
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    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    Thanks! :D. About the head, it was our first idea to have a close up on the main character upper part and see the sword across. We got side tracked when we saw that we might be able to use assets from the comics. We might yet try it if we can.

    Perhaps like that?

  6. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    Hmm our first video finally got published on Gametrailers and got 4k view in 24 hours. This is quite nice but it seems that they recompressed it to reduce the size and now it looks really blurry.

    I was wondering if someone had any pointer when submitting a trailer on Gametrailers.

    I'm also wondering why there's so few iphone games video submitted there...
  7. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada

    Just a small heads-up for the project. We ran into some technical problems for the ipad version and retina. Since we'd like to have this up and running for the beta, it is likely it will delay a little. Hopefully it will start in 2 weeks! (cross fingers)

  8. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
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    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    On the good side, Boss Fights are progressing well :D. Here's a screenshot of the saucer boss beaming down a minion:

  9. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    Alpha Testers needed


    good news, we'd like to open a few spots to test the actual state of the game.

    It is still too early for full scale beta, but we'd need to gather information about general impressions, gameplay, progression and balance.

    Please pm me if you're interested! Selection will be based at least on device used, since the game is not running well on all devices yet.

    People not selected will be welcomed in the beta test in a few weeks.

    Thanks for your support!
  10. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    #90 XperimentalZ, Sep 15, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
    Just a couple more precisions for those interested to apply for an early beta spot:

    - This will be an adHoc build, so I'll need your UDID (we'll be set up on TestFlight eventually).

    - For now, we can't accept iPad device, iphone below 3GS or ipod touch below 2nd gen
    (those will be accepted later in the full beta)


  11. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    After lots of tests, feedback and tweaks, we decided to upgrade the version with the main character running. Thanks to everyone who gave their 2 cents! Here's what the final version of the icon should look like :D

  12. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Looks better with the redesigned character!
  13. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
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    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    #93 XperimentalZ, Sep 27, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011

    Oh btw, iFanzine posted a nice preview about the game:

    DRWAPS Preview

    There should also be a short interview about the development of the game posted there at some point over the next weeks :D
  14. dinoeggs777

    dinoeggs777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    This game looks great!! I can't believe I hadn't seen it before. The game looks a little hard, but I'm sure it'll just take a little practice. I don't think anyone has mentioned this, and it may be just me, but the things he has to slide under look a little low to me. If they were higher, it might look a little more realistic. Just a thought. The art style and gameplay depth look great, and I'll definitely be getting this when it comes out.
  15. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
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    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    #95 XperimentalZ, Sep 27, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
    Thanks for your positive feedback!

    The game is geared to satisfy gamers, but we're actually polishing and smoothing the first half of the game to make sure it is easy to learn and accessible to a broader audience.

    It is true that the sliding obstacles appear a bit low visually, although it makes no difference from a gameplay point of view. We'll try to tweak that a bit during the beta/polish period :).
  16. Doom

    Doom Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Working for the man
    Northeastern California
    Love the icon :)
    I think a hook idea is great it would definitely change of the frantic pace of the game!
    and yes, the only obstacles I find highly bothersome are the ones that must be slid under..these and the taller cylindrical items are always in my way!
    I have been quietly upgrading, and you are right..this is a total screaming runner that depends highly on players ability to scan ahead and multitask. It has a learning curve that takes a bit to master but with the powerups, story and endless it is proving to be a total blast and super addictive..the addition of the story cut scenes with that crazy humor will put this game over the top..I love it so far! :D
  17. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
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    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    #97 XperimentalZ, Sep 27, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
    Shhhht, you're not supposed to talk about your beta experience...

    Just kidding! We still have features to develop and polish to do, but you're free to talk about the game :).

    Sliding obstacles is the biggest issue we've had so far. To address this, we'll have at least a short action tutorial at the beginning to better communicate this aspect of the game to the player. The first level will also be smoother, as well as a part of level 2.

    We'll also add storyboard frames to add in-between story mode levels, in addition to the actual intro frames. We should be able to show a couple soon :).

    The hook will be one of our top considerations for additional levels on updates!
  18. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    Not only it is addictive, but often, when I play, I forget to blink and/or breath.

  19. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Causing a severe death. Lol jk. I want to punch someone when I die in DRWAPS though (when I'm doing really good). But I think everyone does when they die in an endless runner game. :p

    I love the game so far! The new icon looks awesome but I think there should be more control options like tap bottom half of screen to slide. Tap the top half to jump and the left side to slide. Something like that I guess...
  20. XperimentalZ

    XperimentalZ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 20, 2010
    XperimentalZ Games Founder
    Montreal, Canada
    The buttons already have such 'large touch zones' though we'll soon try to tweak the positions a bit and bring up the jump button a little. We'll also differentiate the buttons a bit more in order to distinguish them better and ease up initial handling.

    As an alternative controls scheme, We could also offer to exchange the jump-slide with the slash, but if we'd do that the player would end up with its right thumb over the action.

    We also tried a new scheme (to be able to make the videos) where you have to slide up to jump, slide right to slash and slide down to slide. This new scheme is not convincing yet though, so we're open to suggestions.

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