Well, I consider things like Miss Claire Garden and Pizza Boy to fall somewhat into that category at least compared to LoE and Meganoid. But still, it's a niche that could use a big hit on the iOS.
I haven't played Miss Clair Garden much, but Pizza Boy for me would fall somewhere in the "middle-of-the-road" category, along side early Mario games for example. What I've been craving for some time is a campaign based platformer with an overarching story line. Something like Wonder Boy in Monster Land, or Gods (is that still coming?) and the like.
Well I'm going to be honest and say I had no intrest in getting this game as there are only a select few runners I like and thought I had enough of them. With 99c left I decided to go through the forums to look at feedback of newer games to see what to get. I skipped this onefor a bit but came around to glancing at it. Well the above statement is why I got this because I love the look of this game and would love to you go full platformer.
Cool game, really enjoying it! I just wish there was better feedback, preferably both visually and with a sound clip when your plasma sword hots something, or an enemy. Right now it only makes the swinging thru air soumd, and enemies just sort of phase put. This sort of thing wont change the gameplay much, but will make it feel so much more polished. Another thing, probably very difficult to implement, but something to think about for a sequel, is i would like it if the camera panned and zoomed out a bit when your character is jumping high, so that platforms are always in view. Nothing worse than noot knowing where you are jumping to. Dont mean to nitpick, a really wonderful and tight game, actually the most important change i want is faster load times so i can keep playing more often.
Agreed, it's like Robot Unicorn when it first came out you couldn't see the next platform. Here there are times I double jump and dash and I have no clue where I'm landing.
Btw the wave attack doe nothing against thos aliens with long squid like arms. Isn't intentional? Also section 3.6 is &@&@&&@ annoying!
You mean the wave attack upgrade? Or the power-up? In any case he should not have a special protection, but he has a long reach! Haha wait until you reach the level 4...
Actually 4.2 is so crazy that I stop here. The game is crazy fun and gave me some hours of nice frustrating gaming time! But I have to say as of 4.2 I see lots of repetitive patterns coming back, basically the more difficult ones of all the previous levels, plus tons of aliens. Less interesting for me because I a not really an arcade junkie. For any arcade junkie this is a must have, not just reccomended! Ps: I suggest to avoid the extra jump skill, it was a waste of xp! It is a waste of xp.
I don't see how is the extra jump a waste of XP.... it saves you from death once... Yes, it might throw you back into an unconfortable part of the map, but it does what it should, it gives you another chance to keep on going
We could not reproduce that bug. Let us know if you find something more about it, but a possible explanation is that since the wave has a limited range, it might have vanished just before reaching the slime, giving the impression that the slime was invulnerable to it. Even then, we'll try to raise the height of bounce-back to see if it helps. A tip though: all moves are refreshed when you bounced back, so you can double-jump, dash, dive your wait out of a bad spot .
Hey, after 10 minutes playing this I report: headache, my eyes start burning (methaphorically speaking), and I can't follow the running character anymore! An oculist please
this game is so awesome i never play a endless runner longe than this one ! feature request: make more cool looking aliens
Awesome game! But history is too short,,. When were a update for more levels?? Pd:sorry for my english . Add me in GAmeCenter: Aldogh85
Glad you like the game!! However, despite all the amazing reactions and reviews, the sales are straggling so it might be hard to include new content. We'll fix bugs and make some additions, for the rest we'll see how it goes on the long run...
That's sad to hear. Games like this deserve more attention. Particularly when I got to the second world, I really didn't think I was playing a runner any more. It has some really nice platforming elements and the challenge ramps up nicely. I don't know how well those freebie sites work at boosting sales (FAAD, etc.), but maybe they do work. One day of free downloads and hopefully word will spread about what a gem this is. So I guess the "new and noteworthy" didn't help boost sales? Have you thought about releasing a lite?
Even if it helps a ot, new and noteworthy is overated. The most significant factors are about having a horde of fans or having a hundred grand to spend on marketing. Lite versions don't help 95% of the time. A free campaign would help get the word out, but we have nothing planned in the short term. But the game is great, there's still a ton of potential about it! And btw we think that the third world is really where the game picks up