I can't figure it out unless you're implying one of the ones I've already got it's okay. Public service announcement: buy the no ads. I could have saved 2 hours of my life if I bought it early on... **** slots, walking deds and games of war >: (
Although more ways to get grindables is cool I think it's way too easy to get themand it's the whole point for me continuing to play.
Just to let you know, we've just uploaded a patch that adds iOS7/8 support. I've tested them on devices (iP4 & iP4S) and while the menus are quite laggy, the gameplay is near perfect Apple should approve it in the next couple of days.
I'm at 62/64 grindables, and now every time I unlock a new one through medals or freebie it either goes back to menu or gets stuck on a buttonless menu screen... is this because I have to unlock the last 2 via the secret button? I know I haven't got the 25k one and I'm assuming not the morse code one either (unless we are talking morse for 0)
Maybe a dumb question, but how do you unlock the characters? I have unlocked only 2, but it does not seem to unlock any more even though I have played many many rounds.
You unlock them by completing the medal achievements, or every now and then it asks you to watch an advert for another free one, or there's a button at the bottom of the grindables screen that you press a bunch of times/ways to unlock a few more
You've uncovered a lovely bug there!! I added a case in where you're not offered new grindables when you have them all already, but I didn;t think about the fact that there are secret ones in there. I'll put a fix in for this today and it'll hopefully be available later this week.
Ah great! Just to clarify so you're looking in the right area I am still offered new grindables by the advert method (bypassed by purchasing the ad free) and via medals but instead of delivering the goods the game essentially freezes and needs to be restarted, providing me with nothing fresh to grind
Thanks for all the fast updates making this addictive gem one of (my) the best in this "flappy-tap" genre. *cough* Maybe even get rid of the useless (after a few games) tips screen to get the fastest replay possible. Please. Looking forward to the update for the frozen unlock screen, though i'm only playing with the banana. I got 60/64. What i'm more interested in would be a color palette i could choose from for my banana and background/blood. I finally will rate your game in my swiss appstore with a solid 5 stars within this genre. PS: my best atm is 822. I'll probably won't rest until i hit the 1k.
around four - not too sure. Been over a week since I got any secret ones from that button. How in the name of sweet mary jane can i get the final four?
Debs said there's a bug that's preventing players from getting the last few but it will be fixed next patch.