Well gooood this little game. Definitely the best IQ game on iPhone in terms of creativity. Certainly had me donkeyed plenty of times... Only problem is that this game is uber difficult!!! I would like more clues or hints... what do people think? Is there anyone who managed to finish the game by getting donkeyed under 50 times? I'm curious....
I got donkey'd 59 times I don't think there is a need more clues or is that just me? All of my mates managed to clear all the levels without my help (obviously they had to put up with the donkey call million times - which is annoying but hilariously fun!)
Ok I will help you more dont pay attention to what the picture is telling you to do which is shake it sideways
I thought I already tried shaking it multiple ways and none worked haha, but I'll try it again later .
I just tried it again for you and I realized I was playing it laying sideways so if you hold your device sideways in one hand and shanke upwards really fast it will work!
Thanks Finally got past it, I was doing the right thing but I had to slow my shaking down. I still mess up on it sometimes when I have to do it again, it has to be very exact. Now I'm up to the birds Edit: Beat the birds after 2 donkeys =) Edit again: Yay finally beat the game! 53 donkeys because of the shake iPod level where I wasn't shaking it quite right ha.
congrats! all sorted and the donkey haunts no more! Now it's time to test your mates and family! I'm having so much fun with this little donkey
just bought donkey and i'm already stuck I must be an idiotta... I'm stuck at Mary's father........... anyone?
That one isn't too bad haha. Read the question again slowly. And I am planning on trying this out on my sister later today
I tried donkey on my housemate yesterday and he still has my ipod Luckily, i have an iphone as well so i can still play other games but that DONKEY CERTAINLY IS DRIVING HIM MAAAAAAAD! keeps asking me for clues and all i say is "read the question again"
@carprans I got that one right away cause I have seen that one before its not too bad just really think about the question and click somewhere you wouldnt normally click
Yup, got that now. and guess what I'm stuck again I will post my final donkey count later here... i wonder how many more questions I have to solve. I sort of want to finish the game but on the other hand I wish there are loads more of these levels! weird i know... i must be enjoying this game!
Yup all done! finally!!!!!!! My donkey count is shameful 107! Is that bad???? It must be said that a 1/4 of that was from "accidental" touches! LOL