My son is trying to figure out this song in this YouTube video. Does anyone know what it is?
If your son is still young it might not be too late to switch him over to better music. Just kidding Why don't you leave a comment on the video and ask?
I've been telling him the same thing. LOL. I guess he's saying the comments in the video are a couple months old...whatever that means.
We tried Sound Hound...and we ran out of free time on Shazam. Shazam is on my wish list for when it goes on sale again. Thank you though.
Don't know the name of the song, but the video itself is f*cking rediculous. Who needs a team when you have one guy sniping everyone?
shazam brought up "closed eyes" by Chordian cant be sure its the right track though cause i had to tag it before he starts shooting his gun or else there is "no Match"
I think u r posting just for fun right? name of this song is rerererereredidididididicucucucuculololololololsssssssss....
Umm ok? I don't know if "closed eyes" was right that's just what shazam brought up. The tune did get stuck in my head for a while though
He found the right track. He said the one you found is close, but different. Anyhow thank you and incase you're curious, it's track #4.