Referring to someone else's post up there where a character is $13 I guess. But for me, even RC Racers would be $5 if I just wanted to get it outright, Parachute Drop another $5 and then some. I have 70 jewels right now and am level 17. Aside from a mis-tap a few days ago that wasted 20 jewels (arrgh), I haven't spent any of them outside the initial quest line/tutorial. There's no way I'll hit RC Racers and Parachute Drop without dropping some cash, I think? I'm going to stick it out slightly longer, but it seems like the jewels are a bit too grindy (for me) to come by.
Honestly I bought them and you don't need them at all, the only thing I disagree with are the character prices as I think all should be attainable with maybe the odd one being iap to make the devs money but at a more reasonable price. I'm level 22 now and doing pretty well, I do really like the game.
Oh - thanks, that's good to know! I was wondering, since I thought I was seeing quests where they were saying "Send Sarge to Parachute Drop" etc.
Pretty sure they are just other options, just adds to the choice nothing seemingly special about them just the same as any other quest you can send them on.
Stuck Hi, I am stuck at the quest "Goofy the Brave". I have completed 5/5 Stand up to Pete but the box is empty. Not getting any further new quests. Tapping on Pete displays this box that's it. I am level 15. Am I doing anything wrong?
They posted on fb today that there's a bug with that worry chain and being able to progress past that part so that may be the issue. They say they are working on it, you can submit a support ticket through the game also.
Hopefully they fix it soon, mine went blank after completing it I got not new mickey or goofy quests and Pete vanished. Been doing toy story quests for days and randomly today I just had a goofy quest appear so maybe they fixed mine after I put a ticket in or something? Or it's just a coincidence
Is Merlin still showing up in the park for anyone? I don't know if he disappeared when I put the roller coaster in his location, but I tried moving it and I didn't see him.
When you beat Pete, Rex becomes available for 295 jewels. I'd have to buy the $10 pack, the $2 pack, and still need a few more. That's outrageous (imo).
I didn't have any Merlin quests for a time, he seems to come and go, based on other progress I am making. I'd say just keep taking quests and/or leveling up characters. I'm not positive, but it's possible that new quests are opening up when characters hit certain levels.
Sorry to hear about your mistap mishap! That would suck. I haven't spent a jewel yet (aside from the Pluto house with that Pluto intro package). I still only have 100 at level 19. Still trying to get that RC Racers... Man, that thing better be awesome.
I agree completely with the price of Rex it should be at a tempting price, but at least so far most characters are free. Merlin moves about and seems to come and go during your quest progress he'll be hiding somewhere. Also I wouldn't use your gems on RC racers I'd save them for characters or anything as I'm sure there will be sales over the games life. The iap buildings don't add or help too much really.
Losing faith in the devs now for this game, I have a quest to unlock Mike the first Monster inc character and guess what? Boo is iap only and costs 395 gems
Well I gotta be honest if anyone says buzz light year is pay to play im either not gonna buy anymore stuff or I might just stop playing cuz if boo is 395 gems I can only assume he'll be like 700 or 800 gems
No Buzz is free you get him before Boo too. So far all the way up to the monster inc first section and the iap characters are Pluto, Rex and boo
Yea, I was kind of excited. I figured the 5 dollar deal for Pluto was pretty ok since you got gems and whatnot for 5 bucks. But then I looked at what it's really going to cost me. Some of the Buzz missions need Army guy to go to Parachute. That's 5 bucks. Rex is almost 15 bucks. AND I'm not getting my daily rewards so things like Princess and Astro are pinned behind a 30 day window that I'm not even getting credit for (and I submitted a ticket for it). Gameloft man... I knew it was going to be IAP-heaven but seriously, this is a bit expensive even for whale tastes.
Help! I've been playing this for awhile now and I've been at a stand by .... My quests tells me to get bo peep and now sarge. So I put Jessie too eat grub and Mickey and goofy go to the Musial thing for 8 hours. I wait all day and when it's finally done they don't give me any of the stuff I need only potions -.- am I the only one with this problem? Please help.