Universal Disney Magic Kingdoms (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I'm not trying to shut you out, but we hear the same stuff over and over on games like this and it's super boring concerning iap and f2p games.

    So far my timers range from 60 second to 8 hours. I'm haven't played the Simpsons in a while but I'm pretty sure that has 24 hour timers and more, CoC certainly does.

    I'm not complaining that your here to give feedback, just tired of going into threads and seeing the same conversation. Then when it finally ends someone starts it a few pages later all over again.

    This may have been better as premium but as we all should know by now the devs are unlikely to make as much money from the app and more likely to stop supporting the app. We see all the articles here on how little devs of paid games often make compared to those that hit it big with f2p, just the world we live in sadly.

    Also for the record I don't even like gameloft as a dev not since the early days anyway
  2. matteopico

    matteopico Active Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Timers don't work when the phone is powered off! Last night I set a 2-hours timer, I switched off the phone and this morning... Timers are at the same point they were last night! I hoped they would have worked during the night too ...
    Is it only me?
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Must be only you, mines been working fine and I turn my phone off when I go to sleep.
  4. henrycupcake

    henrycupcake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    I am one of those who insist on supporting premium app and hated those free to play crap guts . Buy this buy that combine this and buy that if not you won't be able to make significant progress

    But this game looks gorgeous with high quality bouncy texture really gives me that authentic magical Disney experience . I think I will pay$100 for gems just to clear all future blockage ( buying $3 /$20 usd in these kind of games won't get you anywhere near to the end game and a one time ticket trip to Disneyland cost almost as much any ways ......

    Its weird that they set Pluto to only able to purchase for premium currency ......
  5. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I said I was pretty sure Pluto was the only iap one at the minute, I'm sure there will be more in the future.

    Still following the quests and looking forward to unlocking areas and seeing what they do with the game and add, noticed a little Alice in wonderland decor in one zone too. I hope they are allowed to add any Disney characters.

    I bought the Pluto deal when that came up since I'm enjoying the game, it must just be because it's Disney and the graphics look so good too so it gives it that extra shine for me. I really like the Simpsons but I am suprised to say I like the Disney theme more.
  6. RHess00

    RHess00 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 28, 2012
    I think we might need another Discourse thread in the General section.
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #67 ste86uk, Mar 20, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    Firstly anybody find parades are not that rewarding? Cost me about 600-700 magic to start with two floats yet you get nowhere near that in return and the character upgrade items aren't worth paying for since characters generate them.

    I was just looking through sky there at Disney movies, there's so much that's Disney it's crazy. There seems to be so much more that could be added and updated to this game over the years than even tapped out has.

    Let's just hope it does well enough to receive the attention!
  8. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    My entire family is really liking this game
  9. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Well gameloft used to be a decent gaming company, i like their games not their freemium model. HOPEFULLY they can make a dual version of their games, one premium & one free for both crowds. I dont need ads, timers, forced purchase to play a game etc.
  10. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Thats why i say consumers now are not wise. "Free" in a sense is just a tactic to get folks hooked on the game & then resorting to various tactics to encourage "impulsive purchase" through various methods like timers etc which is meant to force u to spend. You have to realize this isn't "free" at all, you are being forced to pay or forced to watch ads. People ACTUALLY spend more money on these f2p games compared to premium games because of those gimmicks. You have to realize that some companies go this route not just because it has more exposure & probably higher user percentage, but ultimately they can make you commit to some type of impulsive purchase that will actually earn them more as compared to charging one off price. NOTHING is free in this World my friend.
  11. As long as people are willing to spend $100 on IAPs to get through the timers (see a few comments above), developers like Gameloft and Disney will continue selling it to them.
  12. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Firstly if anyone spends money to skip a timer they are just impatient and love wasting money, iap characters and buildings are different but then it depends on their cost but still obviously just there to make money. Guess what? Businesses are here to make money.

    Also this game wouldn't really exist without it being the way it is, most of the game would need reworking to be more like RCT. But as much as I loved RCT2 on PC and spent countless hours on it for iOS? I played it a while then stopped and only paid the purchase price, the game wil quickly stop being supported as they have no income from it.

    While things like this will keep my attention longer and fit into my daily life around work ect plus earn more of a continuous income and if they do well games earn more over a longer period and get supported longer such as CoC, Hayday, Tapped Out, Candy Crush. The examples are countless and TA publish many articles on the subject it's just the way the world is, mobile gaming they build many games for more casual gamers. I use to game 24/7 but don't have the time nowadays sadly
  13. henrycupcake

    henrycupcake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    #73 henrycupcake, Mar 20, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    :confused:wrong I'm not gonna throw my money away for skipping some stupid timer and clearly this game isn't targeting the hardcore city builder gamer audience even they have mentioned something like that in the game description !

    I had my fond memories of hardcore gaming from Everquest 1 and will be again when pantheon: rise of the fallen is released ,I even pledge $10k to support pantheon rise of the fallen cos they are the original developer of EQ Classic

    got the life subscription and because nowadays wether f2p / monthly subscription based MMO is dumbed down to retarded and soulless

    I still don't see where's the problem for some casuals games trying to take more $ when they indeed have a nice presentation

    The $200 usd in app purchase gems are for buying future contents & acquiring more buildings that can only be bought by gems so that I can could further indulge myself in this magical kingdom

    Even Some of my girlfriends said that the game sucks too because underneath the beautiful coating of this magical kingdom it's just another mindless tap tap collect this collect that and ask for your money game

    Again. The Disney Magic have a charm and memories to many of the people who wouldn't mind paying for these rip off IAp since a one day ticket to Disneyland cost almost as much

    these type of "tap tap city builder games sucks but this game is exception for the fans
  14. I'm not going to argue about whether this game is worth the price of an actual trip to Disneyland/world. I was merely pointing out that these games exist because people pour money into them. They would not exist if no one bought any IAPs. So to say on one hand you don't like F2P games that are designed with timers, etc, and then to throw money at games like that, you're speaking with your money and saying "please continue making these games, as I will pay for them." The only control consumers have over what games are made is by speaking with their wallets. You like this game and want it to succeed, so by all means, pour money into it. But don't complain about F2P in other games, then. Because they're all merely following what works and makes easy money.
  15. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Anybody else find that the parades don't feel very rewarding? Costs me more magic to start than I get back in return
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Got tinkerbell, ham and sarge today
  17. tekchic

    tekchic Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    Software Developer
    Phoenix, AZ
    I'm seeing this as well. Think I'm just going to skip the parades.
  18. Scrooge

    Scrooge Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2010
    They did a great job with the graphics and sound. Very impressive.

    Unfortunately, the game is a total bore, and the F2P elements have been turned up to 11.

    2 out of 5 stars.
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    How so? Seems average or better than average to me where f2p is concerned not many items to purchase at all and not necessary either.

    I recently played Avengers Academy and the f2p there was atrocious and stopped me playing and they clearly try to get money off you constantly.

    With the parades I'm probably stopping using them too until they update or change them, doesn't seem worth it. It says increased kingdom rewards but I don't seem to get any extra rewards.
  20. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Lol. I feel bad for you man. Your getting hit from all sides!

    I will say that I've been playing this off and on, here and there, so and forth and my opinions are still pretty much the same. It's a bummer it couldn't have been a little more like Tapped Out with just an open playing field for you to design. There isn't much room to decorate or do much of anything. It is what it is though I guess.

    I will say that the F2P mechanics have been pretty much on par with every other game in this genre. Maybe even a little better. Besides Pluto, I think all the other characters and attractions are bought with the in-game currency. I'm sure it could be a LOT worse. Granted, things could change later on, but so far everything seem to be "fair" for what it is.

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