Universal Disgaea 1 Complete (by Nippon Ichi Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    You should grab it especially if you are a fan of SRPGs... most of your time will be spent in battle and the battle controls
    as I have become used to them are as good as they can be on a phone. This is without a doubt AAA all the way
    athros and badmanj like this.
  2. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    In the main menu you can choose start main story or start Etna story? What is the Etna story? And which should be played first (guessing main story)
  3. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    While I would have little hesitation on any other platform, iOS has shown me just how temporary games and apps can be. A simple update to iOS can make a game totally unplayable and if it hasn’t brought in the revenue the publisher wants then they simply don’t bother to add resources into fixing it.
    I recently bought SaGa Scarlet and at $38 I think that will be the highest I am prepared to go for mobile games these days.

    Developers that release premium mobile games at console prices, really should support their product. I keep being reminded how pissed I was when Chaos Rings 2 was permanently removed from the App Store by Square Enix, after I had temporarily removed it to free up some space on my iPad. When I returned a couple of months later to reinstall it, well I couldn’t and that was simply wasted money.

    Apart from that I too am in the camp of needing some sort of save mid-battle with these tactical rpg’s. I also have stopped playing FFT:WotW because it lost that ability with an iOS update.

    So I guess, for the time being at least, Disgaea will be a no go for me. :(
    Ringerill, athros and Ijipop like this.
  4. byronbulb

    byronbulb Active Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    Disgaea is one of my all-time favorite games, to the point that I literally bought a switch just so I could have a mobile means of playing. For me, $32 is a bargain. I'm glad to hear that the gameplay holds up well, and I'm not super concerned about the click-to-move aspect. I'll probably buy it tonight and see how it goes.
  5. Dailon80

    Dailon80 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Program Director/Radio DJ
    I can confirm that it’s super awesome when using a PS4 controller
    I don’t mind playing some games with a controller and this is one that’s even better that way although I am adapting to the touch controls and it doesn’t take too long to adjust to them. It’s AAA good for sure
    andsoitgoes likes this.
  6. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Lol thanks for the prescient reply dailon, food for thought. Always appreciate controller support
  7. alphaonethree

    alphaonethree Member

    Jan 31, 2020
    So far so good, but my only concern (so far) is with the icloud save. For some reason the game kept asking me to set a password for the icloud save. After I input the password and pressed OK, nothing happened. I tried the "cloud save" button again, and the game ask me to set the password again. Tried on other device, the icloud save not showing up as well. :(

    Oh and minor problem: the settings for some reason kept reverting back to default once you restarted the game (but not in game when you already changed the settings and saved the game). The japanese audio option is very appreciated.
    Dailon80 likes this.
  8. geoelectric

    geoelectric Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2010
    San Jose, CA
    It’s a bonus side story. Play the main one first, then I think it won’t be mysterious.
    Dailon80 likes this.
  9. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    what is the replayability ?
    i have love so much FFT, and i soon as i finish it, i was crying because no infinite battle mode :(

    This one seem to have a second story, but can every game be different ?
  10. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    App Unwrapper has done his thing over at YouTube.
    About an hours worth of gameplay footage.

    I gotta admit, the game looks really nice and I’m a sucker for these sort of tactical rpg’s, but man...... that damn price. :confused:
  11. geoelectric

    geoelectric Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2010
    San Jose, CA
    #31 geoelectric, Feb 1, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
    Disgaea has essentially no level cap (think it’s technically 9999, then you wrap around back to 1 with a bonus), and a mechanic called Item World where you enhance gear by going through a series of matches generated inside any given piece. It’s basically infinitely replayable, though obviously you do run out of story sooner or later.

    My own early impressions,

    Think I’ve bought this on more platforms than I have Skyrim now, and that’s saying something. I think phone will work very well for this game, though, due to the infinite pick up game thing above.

    The earlier comments more or less nail it. The battle UI is pretty much fine, most gestures work like you’d expect, etc.

    The hub overworld takes more getting used to.

    The main problem is they implemented a walk to your finger (it’s not exactly tap to move, no path finding) control scheme—but kept the design where the game world scrolls itself to center when you go through passages and stuff.

    If your finger is down when it does this, you find yourself shooting off into weird spots suddenly because your finger effectively gets moved for you relative to Laharl. It doesn’t help that he walks incredibly fast at full speed, and speed depends on how far away your finger is.

    You do eventually learn to lift while animation is happening, though, and that avoids it.

    The other problem is that there’s no dead zone beneath buttons and affordances, so if you get them a little wrong it tries to walk to your finger off-stage.

    I’m sure this will all get fixed, but it does make the precision control mentioned above (throne switch, etc) not that great. Keep your finger very close to Laharl so the movement speed slows, spam taps on top of Laharl for things like floor switches, and you’ll do ok though.

    Good news is you don’t spend much time in hub and it really is no big deal. Rest of game is great. Graphics at high res are clear, sound is good, entire iPhone 11 Pro Max screen used. It’d be nice if they’d disable the home bar, and I have heard that cloud save thing is a bug so I avoided the option, but otherwise this is high quality and fully comparable to the Switch version.
    L.Lawliet and AltsKev like this.
  12. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Is it possible to save game during a battle? ie at every player turn, can we save game?
  13. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #33 stubbieoz, Feb 1, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
    Nope, that’s one of the main reasons why I’m hesitant to buy it....

    ..... though with that being said I suppose you can just keep it running in the background like you can with most iOS games and so long as you don’t remove it, it stays in the same spot even after turning the device off. It’s not a proper save but it is an option.
    Not sure if that is the case with this game, need someone to check.
  14. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    Is it full screen on iphone X?
  15. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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  16. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #36 stubbieoz, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    Doh....deleted post......wrong game lol
  17. zenmode

    zenmode Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2014
    This was a nice surprise, I never expected to see this game on iOS :D

    Definitely interested, but I’m curious about two things:

    -How’s the battery drain? It’s not the most graphically intensive game, so I’m hoping it doesn’t kill the battery too fast.

    -Is the cloud save thing still not working? I’ve seen a lot of people mention that it’s bugged right now, and that’s a pretty huge feature for me. It’d be cool to share my save between iPhone/iPad, so I hope this gets fixed sooner than later.
  18. Edmilan

    Edmilan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    #38 Edmilan, Feb 3, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    The game is really really really good! The movement out of battle is drag-to-move and takes a little getting used too, as the protagonist walks waaay to fast. I’ve been dying to play Disgaea on my mobile ever since I heard of the games and saw gameplay videos of em on YouTube, and I don’t have any consoles because life. Anyway, does anyone know how Cloud saving works? It tells me to put in a password and then when i do nothing happens.
  19. Edmilan

    Edmilan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    I was actually playing The Last Remnant and haven’t yet reached very far (just reached Elysion), when this came out. Now, I can’t put it down. Looks like Last Remnant‘s gonna have to wait a bit lol.
  20. alphaonethree

    alphaonethree Member

    Jan 31, 2020
    Unfortunately yes, it is still broken. Even with the new update today (ver. 1.0.1) the cloud save is still doesn't work as advertised. The only fix is "update store image," whatever that means. It does feel like NIS only put the "cloud save" button in the main menu as a placeholder button.

    My biggest concern is that let's say I already spent a large amount of time with this game, in the future if they update the game or a new iOS firmware comes out, what will happen to my save files? I don't think anyone can guarantee that the save files will remain in the device. At least if there is a way to export/import the savedata (cloud-based or not), I could copy the savedata to another device as a backup copy.

    I don't want to sound like a over-entitled jerk, but at this price for an ios game, I think icloud save (or any form of cloud save solution) or even documents sharing over itunes (i.e. such as in monster hunter stories) in order to import/export savedata should be considered as a standard feature for a lenghty RPG game.

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