Add me please! Hi guys, Just discovered the game and looking for people to play with! Add me (please bear in mind I'm a noob so not very good yet!) Username is repeater. It's the same on Game Centre if anyone wants to add me on there too! Cheers!
Still lookin for more games... IGN : pawt Also was thinking of throwing together a DD 'league' or sorts... Anyone interested in that sort of thing?
Ok.... I have decided to start the first ever (I think) disc Drivin league.... Should be fun... And if I can get at least 16 people in the league I will be offering prizes in the form of iTunes cards. I know there's a lot of interest in this game, and a lot of good players... Come show off yer skills and have a chance to win some stuff.... The barebones(for now) website is Join now and let the games begin