Yeah,I saw that!!!! Who said to them to put it free,i already know that it is not faad,so who can be the wonderful guy that told them to put this nice game free....well i think that the devellopperrr of this game is crazy to put his addicting game free,but it is ok for us to grab it!
Intriguing none of their sites have information on why diner dash became free. Must be prep for something.
Picking it up now, better than nothing! If the iap take away from the game, tis not hard to hit that X!
I know guys!!! Its The Game Giveaway app that put this addictive game!!They are the best and much better then FAAD,thats official!!!
Oh no guys ,I meant that it was the Game Giveaway,but also Itunes with their 12 days of Christmas for Canada!!! (You can see all the gifts that were givin in the 12 days of christmas thread and you can look at my message in the second page,im putting each day the gift that they give you and i update it of course!!!