Nope. Mine is fine, and I have a PC! The thing is, a similar virus infected the computer about 6 months ago. It sucked so bad. We got rid of it thankfully and everything is good now.
I haven't had any virus since i installed Vista. I had with XP, but I didn't know how to use a computer.
from what i heard it caused the computer to turn black then white and then on the screen it would say april fools! and it would stay on the screen this is what i found "What does the Conficker worm do? The Conficker worm has created secure infrastructure for cybercrime. The worm allows its creators to remotely install software on infected machines. What will that software do? We dont know. Most likely the worm will be used to create a botnet that will be rented out to criminals who want to send SPAM, steal IDs and direct users to online scams and phishing sites. The Conficker worm mostly spreads across networks. If it finds a vulnerable computer, it turns off the automatic backup service, deletes previous restore points, disables many security services, blocks access to a number of security web sites and opens infected machines to receive additional programs from the malwares creator. The worm then tries to spread itself to other computers on the same network. " from nortan website
As far as anyone knows, nothing has happened yet. The virus could do a variety of things depending on what its creator decides to send out as its mission. Potentially, its creator could still send out instructions via the Web at any time so it may be not be over yet. Just keep your computer virus definitions updated and you should be fine. A good way to find out if your computer is infected is to launch in Safe Mode because if it is indeed infected, the computer won't be able to do so.
I'm not sure if it's the same virus or what ever but my brothers laptop(not a mac) Is keep shutting off everytime we try to put it on
Conficker, like Y2K and the like, were highly over hyped by the media because it made a suspenseful headline. Y2K received all the hype because everyone was waiting for that day, the moment when the world ends. Then it was 2000... now it's April 1, 2009... Nothing happened, as always. See:
Dec. 12, 2012. While I think that it is highly unlikely, it is an odd date, and has some odd backing. Mayans.
Check your facts buddy it's actually 12 -21 -2012.... And it has tons of backing.... End of the world FTW! All this astronomical stuff aligning, the Mayan calendar, and Moore's Law (Which has been fairly accurate so far.) predicting computers with the computational power of the human brain? I doubt anything will happen, but it is interesting none the less.
December 21!!!!!!! 2012!!!! solar burst will destroy the earth! FTW or the poles will get all messed up, or.....