Selling Land I have bought a inch of land, and just found out that I cant upgrade over level 80. I noticed there is a Sell function that give me 10% of the lands value. I dont know how to utilize this function. Any help on this?
I might be a bit late to the party but this is a rare case that I actually enjoy a mobile game, so thanks to the dev for making this in the first place. With that said, I have a couple of questions I hope someone is still around to answer: 1. The skill "Ebb and Flow" used by Steve Zizou the Sailor, gives a buff called "hindsight" that says "+1 when you lose a round" on a teammate. I see it triggers when both teams have finished the rolls, but I've never seen it actually help me winning a round. I'd been losing on an attack, say 5:6, and I had 2 "hindsight" buffs on a player, and I can see the from the bar (the red vs blue bar for points) that I'm actually leading (though I'm having few points). I saw "hindsight" triggered twice but it never actually added points, and then my bar dropped back to be shorter than the opponent and I lost the round. I've had cases when it was a draw and I had hindsight and it still didn't make it a win. So does anyone actually know how this skill works? 2. Do combos only trigger when dice are rolled together? For example, the Cute Cat (Combo: when 3 unique no.s are rolled, Critical: 2x). Do I need to roll all 3 dice at the same time to trigger it? 3. Do combos stack? Can they be triggered at the same time? Like the above example, but now add in a Rabbit (combo, 2 Even numbers, add 1 power to the target of your skill, lasts 1 round). Say if I have a skill that is triggered by a 4 (e.g. Build Up), and I roll 4 on the Builder, 2 and 3 on the other teammates. From my experience, it seems Critical (Cute Cat) is triggered, but not the Rabbit, since I don't see an additional +1 power buff on my Builder, nor is the Build Up buff getting an extra point. Hope to get some answers from players with more experience or the dev themselves