Universal Dice Soccer City (LambdaMu Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Lambdamu, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Ivan@LambdaMu

    Ivan@LambdaMu Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Interesting that so many people are getting him as a match. Our systems do matchmake and prioritise successful teams. He must be doing well against a lot of people. Hah.
  2. DustCloud13

    DustCloud13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    #82 DustCloud13, Feb 12, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
    I've probably played that team 5+ times already! It's the only one I seem to be facing repeatedly (and with poor results).

    I decided to try the same strategy myself since it was so effective, but it doesn't work nearly as well without all the animal skills SnipSnip has. One day!
  3. Condorman

    Condorman New Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    Also is there any way to improve your keeper?
  4. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    Why is that, since it can frustrate a lot of players, if anything? This is turn off for me, for example.
  5. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Could someone explain the Wild dice side to me? I don’t really get what it does. It’s useless without knowing what it does. I don’t know if I missed a tutorial message of the Wild part or not.
  6. DustCloud13

    DustCloud13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    The Wild has no point value but can stand in for any value to activate any skill. For example, if one of your players has a skill activated by a pair of 3s, it can be activated by a 3 and a Wild!
  7. fabianb

    fabianb Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    #87 fabianb, Feb 12, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
    When defending as a goalie, I basically lose 90% of the time. The attacking player almost always throws their highest dice number (a 4 or a 5) and my goalie has a 3 max. What’s the fun in that?
  8. rslowe

    rslowe Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2016
    On the bulletin board outside the stadium, it says that I have successfully blocked a goal 9 times! (I get a gem at 10 blocks, I think.) I've probably played 150 games now, and I'm guessing all of those blocks have been in the Grass League. hehehe

    I miss probably 25% of my goals, but the computer is some kind of dice demon. :-O
  9. DustCloud13

    DustCloud13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    Speaking of the bulletin board, I noticed a bunch of goals that require catching fish. Anyone have any idea what that means?
  10. rslowe

    rslowe Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2016
    If you build a body of water, you'll occasionally see light patches in it. Touch them and a fish will pop out!

    I have a big lake that wraps around the south end of my town. I have an industrial zone with rocks and industrial buildings in the east, a fun town and a forest to the north. My major town is in the south, and I'm just starting a zen garden next to my farm in the northwest.

    I wonder how other people are organizing their towns? I do wish that land was cheaper and came in larger stacks than 20... =)
  11. zevzimra

    zevzimra Member

    Sep 27, 2013
    #91 zevzimra, Feb 15, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018

    I really don't understand why I am unable to change my goalie/keeper. Bookie is ok, but I can't improve him at all?

    I know I've faced at least two teams that had different keepers. One keeper rolled a 6 against me!

    On a side note: not sure if everyone is aware that you can raise the dice above 6 pips!

    BTW I'm loving the game!
  12. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Pics or it didn't happen!
  13. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    All towns are supplied with a standard issue non-customisable Average Joe bookkeeping bot. This is to ensure a level playing field where the primary targets of the experiment, i.e. attackers and defenders, are adequately motivated to display their skills and realise the potential.

    The only place you could possibly have seen a keeper roll higher than a 3, would be the goalkeeping coach at the practice ground, which was designed for that specific purpose. If any other aberration has indeed been spotted, please report it to the mothership immediately!"
  14. pyrrhonic

    pyrrhonic Active Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    Ack! This morning my game refused to load (got stuck at the title loading screen, repeatedly), so I deleted the game and reinstalled it. Much to my dismay, the game seems to have lost my city/team, and prompts me to start a new game! I am honestly a bit embarrassed to admit that I've dropped at least 50 bucks on this game already, and that's far more than I usually spend on premium currency, otherwise I would just say "screw it" and delete the game. But my investment behooves me to find some restitution >_< please, Developer, you're my only hope!
  15. pyrrhonic

    pyrrhonic Active Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    I should maybe mention that I have no idea how to get in touch with Support, besides trying to get your attention on this forum. I'm afraid to start up another game (to look for a support link somewhere in the game menus proper) because I'm afraid it might somehow overwrite my user account.
  16. kkhel

    kkhel Member

    Dec 24, 2013
    You could try sending them a Facebook message - I dropped them a message and they responded fairly quickly.

    This is an absolute gem of a game and I have been playing it to death for the past week. I have a couple of comments for the devs though :-

    1) The game does crash from time to time for me when playing the pro league, which is fairly annoying because it counts as a loss. If there was a way for the game to keep track of progress and restart the match where it left off, that would be brilliant.

    2) I've gotten to rank 1 in the pro league and have unlocked something called the 'crystal league'. However, whenever I try to start a match, the game crashes. Is this feature ready yet? :)

    3) I would absolutely love it if future updates added even more characters for even more combo possibilities!
  17. Ivan@LambdaMu

    Ivan@LambdaMu Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013

    Whoah. thats quite an achievement to get to Pro-League.

    I'll need some details to hunt the bugs you've encountered:
    1. Any idea what team you faced when the game crashes mid-match? This makes hunting down the bug easier.
    2. PM me your team name too, cuz it may be a bug with your team.
    3. I'll take a look at the Crystal Crash. In any case, the proleague resets every 2 weeks to restart the climb.

    We can't talk about future updates now!
  18. Ivan@LambdaMu

    Ivan@LambdaMu Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013

    Drop an email to [email protected], they'll get back to you asap!
  19. pyrrhonic

    pyrrhonic Active Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    Thanks Ivan! Sent that address another email.
    (The 4th one, in as many days...)
  20. pyrrhonic

    pyrrhonic Active Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    #100 pyrrhonic, Mar 5, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
    TL;DR = I would strongly advise against giving this developer any of your money.

    The game is pretty fun and novel, but some combination of shoddy code and shoddy customer service has resulted in the inexplicable loss of multiple in--app purchases.

    There are so many better developers out there that actually deserve your money -- and they are actually interested in showing you that they deserve it. These guys, for some reason -- at least in my case -- have failed to even try.

    Yup, still not so much as a single un-automated reply from LambdaMu Support. Excuse my language, but wtf does a paying customer have to do to get some actual acknowledgement?

    Let me be clear: my issue (involving $50+ of IAP going missing and not responding to "Restore Purchases") occurred on the 12th of February. I made an immediate support request and received an automated response assuring me that they'd get back to me soon. After no followup email had arrived by the next day, I resent the request. Still, nothing. Over the next week, I proceeded to send simple, clear, polite, and patient requests 3-4 more times.

    That was more than THREE weeks ago, now. And I've still not been contacted. The only evidence I have that real humans work at LambdaMu is my assumption that Ivan, in this thread, is not a bot.

    I think my patience has gone above and beyond what is ordinarily expected of a "valued" customer. This developer has been unable to resolve my issue, which is aggravating, but much, much worse: they've simply not even addressed it in any way. They haven't even dignified my support request with a response (unless you count Ivan, on this forum; but it's hardly an official channel, and Ivan did only refer me to the same support email address that I'd already been using, to no avail).

    So, look. I'm not a jerk, and I'm not at all inclined to badmouth what I'm sure is a small developer. They probably have what seem to be more or less legit reasons for ignoring me. I try to be empathic. But sometimes bad reviews are the ethical thing to do, to hold a sloppy business somewhat accountable.

    So here's a sincere, but reluctant review of my experience with this company: it's been frustrating, and borderline insulting, to be treated like I WASN'T important, despite the business I've already given them. This is just a baseline, ordinary assumption most people make take for granted as being a right: treat customers nicely, ffs. I'm not even touching on the aggravation of actually feeling like my money spent has been just, poof, lost, and that I really had better accept that I won't get it or the digital purchases that I made back.

    Maybe this attempt to call them out will result in my issue being addressed or resolved, and I will certainly post an update in that event -- but, frankly, I don't think I could "take back" any of my criticisms that I've made here, because they're just the truth, and they look awful bad; especially when the Accused doesn't seem inclined even to defend themselves. ::eye roll::

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