Since you play against others, is this the kind of game that you have to put tons of time to get some fun and get some chance of winning? I like the idea a lot, but am afraid that it requires too much of my time.
It's designed to be fun for as much time as you'd like to play it. You play against others' *teams*, but at your own pace and convenience. You need to be strategic in order to win more; sometimes luck can help too #but you shouldn't rely on it. You should give it a try and let us know what you think! Maybe some of the other posters can share their thoughts too
I've personally hit a wall at the end of Bronze League -- suddenly all my opponents have unlocked the mayor et al, with three splices each and top stats! I'm hoping as the game matures, those players will move up into Silver and slightly less loaded players will be part of Bronze (rather than the reverse, where better and better players move downward). However, you can always play earlier leagues all the time for boxes and/or money. I find myself playing through Wood League a lot right now as I build up my roster and town. This isn't like Clash Royale where you eventually bob back and forth on a razor's edge of winning/losing with nothing else to do. It's also really fun just to design the town (if you're into that sort of thing). I'm half-obsessed with just building different "neighborhoods" throughout the town. I have a big lake, next to a farmland, an industrial park, and a forest with the hermit all by his lonesome. =3
A new update just dropped –#contains a few fixes, especially for those of you locked out at silver league!
Interesting team, manager DustCloud13. The Los Lobos have the potential to go far, but it all depends on what you do next. Results from... other experiments... suggest that perhaps a Preacher could be more useful than a Vet in that defensive line, as he could add more divine protection for those armadillo genes to utilise. As for your offence, the cat on the bicycle will never work, if you're aiming for a pair of 3's. Replace that with an attack dog instead, or find someone who uses two's and fours instead of the dog walker! Do this and I'm sure you can fulfil your destiny. Remember, you alone are the chosen one.
Featured player of the day: She's quick, she's slick don't fall for her trick. The swindler is a master disabler, stealing your stamina and leaving you breathless! Anyone using her in their team? What's the best combo?
Anyone used the Dice Potential animal yet at the Splicer? Can you let me know what the mechanics are? Does using that enables you to "unlock" the black disabled dice rolls for Dicing?
Yes, grinding is of course present at any game, and I assume so with this too. Once you are unable to win any matches, grind at the previous league first and buy out tiles at the merchant, as you've unlocked the next league, even though you haven't won any games, they will start selling those Silver tiles. Get the better players you want, and move forward!
Yes, grinding is of course present at any game, and I assume so with this too. Once you are unable to win any matches, grind at the previous league first and buy out tiles at the merchant, as you've unlocked the next league, even though you haven't won any games, they will start selling those Silver tiles. Get the better players you want, and move forward!
Rate my team This is my team. My offense pretty much focuses on scoring big numbers, boosted by the builder. I swap out the fireman with the player who puts -2 on fouls, as he combos great with the woodcutter. Defense focuses on 3 combos, draining stamina off the other team and the bicycle kick is almost guaranteed to activate. Trying to make it to silver league! Also working on managing my splicer and dicer right now. Trying to figure out the best combos before I commit, as undoing it takes some time.
Dice Potential allows you to "Dice" a player an additional value beyond what you already have. E.g. Say you have the Nurse with 2 Dice Potential. This means that you can move her Dice Sides up to 2 times in the Dicer. If you splice the Chimpanzee onto the Nurse, you ca now dice up to 3 times. Be careful though, removing the Chimpanzee will force remove a value from a Dice due to the lost of Dice Potential.
OOh.... interesting. Thanks for the info! Love the customization involved in this game. Can you explain how Foul mechanics are while you're here?
I just broke into Silver League! =D My current A-team is this: Rusty + Dogcatcher + Striker All diced to have as many 3s as possible. I finally found an attack dog and a horse to splice on the bicyclist. Usually my point total is too low the first push, but the dogcatcher keeps revving up the bicycle kick until by the end of the game I'm bicycle kicking for -6 or -7... twice! It seems like the power up on Rusty stays constant through the game for a permanent boost on damage. Preacher + Jesus + Woodswoman All three characters have multiple 5s for a total of 15 at best. Jesus and Preacher can both build up big shields (with 5s or their wildcards) to block against attacks. I give Jesus an armadillo so he can dump his shields into defense on the next turn; I give Woodswoman a horse so she can roll twice if need be. Good luck to everyone breaking through Bronze League!