DICE SOCCER CITY [From the makers of Pixel People] [Launching Feb 1]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Lambdamu, Nov 16, 2017.

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  1. Avaniar

    Avaniar Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2016
    Later comer to the conversation

    I had been putting off the discussion for a while, due to work mainly. But now i have ancouple of minutes so here goes.
    I loved the tutorial and think it explains everything just fine, except for one thing, the shooting and the extra bars. Didn't figure that out straight away, but it was easy to realise what it was after some plays.
    Also loved the game, how you build up your team and the city and unlock people and places.
    Having said that, and with the full knowledge that this was a f2p from the get go, I absolutely hate the model. I dislike f2p 90% of the time. But I like the gimmicks of this game. But why does it have to be f2p?
    I hate timers, extra currencies and anything that is not "available", so making this a halfway compromise is not the way to go.
    As asked on the beta invite, i paid only what i would pay "irl", which was nothing.
    As such, I faced a big bad wall around the... i don't remember right now but I would say 5th or 6th match. I could not, for the life of me beat those guys (I think they have the mayor and the hooligan playing for them). So I did what I do everytime that happens on a f2p game, I rage-quit and rage-uninstalled it, having become fed up with playing the same match 3-4 times and not seeing any progress (yes with different team builds). Again, I did not buy a thing and probably only watched 2ads, but I played it like this because I know if I got it from the appstote, it is what I would do.
    I know it's my fault for playing a f2p game and wanting it to be premium, but I just wanted to express my feelings.
    Having said that, I probably will not go back unless it is made full premium, which I completely understand if you don't. But it is just that f2p is incompatible with me lol.
    Nonetheless I loved the game, the graphics, (cant say about the music because i played it without sound), the mechanics used, but really grinding and f2p and not for me.
    Thanks for the opportunity though and best of luck :)
  2. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Thanks for the feedback, Avaniar. I sincerely appreciate that you took time to give our game a test, to play by the rules, and to still put in an honest and thorough report after that. What we're hoping for with the beta is to get all sorts of feedback from our friends and fans and iron out the kinks in what we intend to be a smooth experience where you always feel like you have access to the resources you need in order to overcome the challenges presented.

    Whether it's a case of our education features not doing their part, the enemies being too difficult, the resources not being balanced, or not having enough avenues to gain these resources... we'll need all the feedback we can get, in order to triangulate and resolve. It could also just be that that level is way harder than we think? :(

    Feel free to PM me if you ever want to discuss the topic more!
  3. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I think something that would be very helpful would be a dice-o-pedia of sorts. A centralized help section that would allow you to look at all of the help screens that you have throughout the game currently. It would also be helpful in that central help, a list of all of the various powers and a 1-2 sentence description. In there you could specify if the skill interacts with power up or not.

    Also what constitutes the tutorial? The goalie and level 5 players say that they are maxed out and need the tutorial to be completed?

    The individual quests for the players sounds super cool, "Can't wait for the full version" indeed.
  4. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Servers were down for a few hours today. Should be running now! Sorry for the disruption
  5. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    The wrestler's dropkick ability is listed as "Pair of 1's, do stuff" but it does not trigger on a pair of 1's. It triggers on a pair of 3's.
  6. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Ok, it is in fact not triggered by a pair of 3's, nor is it by three 1's. Perhaps triple 3's?
  7. Ivan@LambdaMu

    Ivan@LambdaMu Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Hey krazeivan,

    I caught the bug yesterday actually just as your report came in. The skill was missing data for how it should trigger, hence it didn't go off. Its fixed and will be in the next build.

    Btw, the wrestler is an insane card!
  8. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I am very excited to use it but I'm still not sure how it triggers. I was able to get it to trigger with a pair of 3's, but is there a secondary requirement, like all dice have to be odd or something?
  9. AlphaTodd

    AlphaTodd Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2017
    You had me at "Soccer City". lol
  10. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    A couple of things:

    Whenever freestyle (swim coach special) is unleashed, the screen swings up to see the Dice soccer city logo.

    Are increased power ups supposed to work on Armadillo shield conversions? I am looking at Mario Elbotelli that can convert 1 shield into +6 due to buffs from Pierre Avion and a Guard Dog. (By the way I love the humor throughout).

    Does the Wolf (Bleed on foul) work with someone that doesn't have a targetable skill like the woodcutter?

    Is "Overtime" functionally equivalent to "Extra time" with respect to the Panda ability?

    Thank you.
  11. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    One thing that I think would be incredibly helpful would be a holo-deck or VR room in order to practice against opponents. Most importantly would be the ability to change stats and gene splices (without consuming the animals) before going in to practice. If you do this, I would be just fine with you putting it on a timer that can be sped up with cubes (gotta make money somehow). Bonus points if you put in the ability to select the caliber of the opponent (maybe longer wait times for the more advanced opponents?).

    I feel as though the wall I am hitting right now is that the teams I am up against are all max level with max gene splices. The gene splices are incredibly powerful but I am hesitant to use them without knowing that they will work out how I think they will. I have enough to equip a full line of either offense or defense (but not both) but don't want to be in the position of using them all but then have my current opponents steam roll me anyway.
  12. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I'm just going to drop things in when I notice them. One half of the civil court building (Lawyer house) currently clips through most terrain.

    Still loving the game!
  13. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Glad to hear that you're still loving the game. Will share some new screenshots with you guys soon!
  14. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    #74 kraze ivan, Nov 30, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    Greetings everyone!

    As a big fan of the original Dice Soccer and a current huge fan of the new Dice Soccer City, I thought I would give some tips for building effective offensive and defensive lineups.

    The way that you build your lineups obviously depends on your player availability, but in my estimation lineups fall into 3 broad categories. Each of the categories have advantages and disadvantages and funnily enough, each category is strong against one category and weak to a different one. I call them Combo, Stats, and Counter.

    Combo builds stack power ups onto single player who then puts up huge numbers
    Pros: Can beat almost anything once it gets rolling
    Cons: Can take several rounds to get going
    Useless if a combo piece is neutralized (Bleed, Stamina, Trap, etc.)

    Stat builds try to put up consistent big numbers that are hard to defeat
    Pros: Very powerful in early rounds
    Cons: Does not scale up as soccer match progresses, later round totals are same as early round totals

    Counter builds shuts down opponent by disabling a specific player or the team
    Pros: Can completely shut down a player critical to a combo
    Cons: Total stats can be pretty low

    The way that I see it: Combo beats Stats beats Counter beats Combo

    An example Combo build is Nurse, Postman, Fisherwoman on offense. For 1 or 2 turns, the Nurse and Postman roll lots of 1's, the Postman stacks lots of powerups on the Fisherwoman which then can attack to the tune of -10 or more on each hit. Those first 1 or 2 turns, you will likely lose because your total is likely going to be quite low but after that no Stat builds will be able to come up with numbers higher than what you can subtract each round. The way Counter shuts down this lineup is to use the Fireman or Swindler to reduce the stamina of the postman so that it can not powerup the Fisherwoman. Another Counter build could use the Fencer or Butcher to apply Bleed to the Fisherwoman (Bleed normally only hits for -1, but if the target has +10 power, Bleed also gets powered up and will now hit for -11). As fast as the Fisherwoman gets powered up, the Bleed keeps up and knocks her back down.

    Stat builds do not need to only use players with high average dice (like the Woodcutter with all of those 5's), they can also use players with low average dice but certain special abilities. An example Stats build is Mayor, Swim coach, Grocer on defense. With the appropriate dicer changes, you can guarantee a 2 on all players every time and with some gene splicing, a consistent roll over 20 is very possible even though the dice are only 2 each. The main difference between a Combo and a Stat build is the consistency, a Stat build should always post the same high total in the first round of the game as the last round and should be able to post that same total regardless of fouls that are rolled. A Stats build will likely beat Counter builds (as there is nothing to counter) due to it's superior number totals. Stat builds will also beat Combo builds the first 1 or two turns, but once a Combo build gets rolling, the Stat builds will not be able to keep up and will lose from then on.

    Counter builds can usually put up decent number totals (though usually less than Stat builds) but can totally shut down Combo builds. An example Combo build on defense is Fireman, Swindler, Lucksmith. Rolling very consistent 3's the totals are lower than the Stat builds but the Fireman and Swindler depletes the stamina of the opponent, which can prevent a particular player from triggering any abilities or even rolling all together. One thing to remember for Counter builds in particular, as long as a player has not rolled a foul, you can rearrange your players to trigger their abilities on certain lanes. For example, the opposing side has a critical combo player in the top lane. The Fireman starts in the top lane and instead of rolling the dice for all 3 of your players, roll the dice for the Fireman alone who rolls a 3 and triggers his ability depleting the stamina of the opposing combo player by 2. Now move the Swindler into the top lane and roll the dice for her alone which comes up 3. With her 3, and the previous 3 from the Fireman, we have a pair of 3's and the Swindler's ability triggers, depleting the stamina of the same player that the Fireman hit. This is one way that a Counter build can completely shut down Combo builds but generally loses to Stat builds because Counter dice totals are often lower.

    The same build that can't seem to lose on defense may perform very poorly when switched to offense and vice versa. The way that you might build a Combo offensive lineup is likely going to be very different from the way that you would build a Combo defensive lineup, but that doesn't change the fact that they are both Combo lineups. Also, depending how far you have progressed through the game and when you unlock players will make the relative power of one type of build be stronger compared to the others. For example, as I was playing through, I relied on a Stat build on offense for much of Wood and Bronze leagues but in late Bronze I hit a wall and the Stat build wasn't cutting it anymore. I unlocked the Postman and suddenly my Combo builds became much more powerful and so I switched to that to continue progressing through the game. For my current place in the game, Combo is king but that will likely change as I continue to progress and hit harder teams and the relative strength of the other builds starts to increase as I unlock more players and gene splicing abilities.

    That's all for now, thanks for reading!
  15. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Quick suggestion to enhance the city building aspect of the game. Would it be possible to somehow add a button or a menu where you can access all of pedestrians in the game: Unicorn Jim, The Trader, The Preserver, RPU-D2?

    I would like to build a cool looking city with streets between various shops and dirt roads going out into a forest or a farm. That's currently hard to do because the pedestrians walk on the roads and paths and can be very difficult to tap on when they are behind a building or tree. My city currently looks like a slum with all of the buildings adjacent to each other with paths going nowhere because I want to be able to access the pedestrians without having to move whole neighborhoods around.
  16. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Ah yes, thanks for the suggestions –#we have something along those lines planned, and will see how to make the experience better. Also, that was a pretty krazy guide you wrote up there!

    What do your "best" teams look like at the moment?
  17. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I am doing a Combo build on offense (nurse postman and fisherwoman) that I mentioned in my guide. On defense I am using a Stats build of swim coach, mayor, and instructor. That's been strong enough to take me through late silver league.

    I am looking to transition to a Counter defense build around the Constable and other 4 rollers so I have a strong goal scorer to swap to. I routinely beat their defense but with all of my 2 rollers I need the goalie to foul out to score.

    I have a couple of other Combo builds in the works but I need to some more testing.
  18. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Big Update coming out this weekend, with new features, balance, buildings, iPhone X support, and more! If you're interested in joining the next round of beta tests, please drop a reply with your appleID!
  19. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    New Update

    The latest update for the beta is live!
    We are adding more testers in at this point, and old testers should receive the invite as well.

    Join us on discord at https://discord.gg/uYnNZ64 for real time conversation and discussion!

    What's New in v1.1.2.11

    [NEW] Practice Grounds! Enter the arena to review and refine your deck combination strategies!
    [NEW] Goals and achievements at the Notice Board! More rewards to earn!
    [NEW] Gallery Revamp! You may now see Players, Animals and Town Decor that you've collected!

    [GAME BALANCE] Skill changes to the Streaker and Gardener!

    [ART] Update to App icon
    [ART] Updates to make assets iPhone X friendly.
    [ART] Town level up animation updated

    [FIX] For pausing advertisement Merchants
    [FIX] Fixed splicer showing the wrong Morale Discount values.
    [FIX] Fixes for username registration button
    [FIX] For Swindler distracting buff giving teammates
    [FIX] Fixed crash that happens upon tapping locked animalsÂ’ texts
    [FIX] Fixes for in-match announcer referee sprite moving out in a weird manner
    [FIX] Fixed bugs with Wrestler and Constable abilities

    [NEW] Animated our little spliceables in the splicer! Yay animals!
    [NEW] Implemented a fresher look for NPC Dialog Popups!
    [NEW] Popup to indicate weak internet connection while game is loading
    [NEW] New tutorials to explain more match, deck-building and city building mechanics
    [NEW] Error popup and forcing player to register user name before allowing to continue.
    [NEW] No internet connection error popup message in SplashScreen.
    [NEW] Post match rewards UI polish

    [UI] Player unlocking system: Improvements to communication
    [Audio] More sound effects

    [Art] New Plaza terrain
    [Art] New building animations
    [Art] New skill animations, including the wrestler
  20. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I am really loving the update. I felt that the core gameplay was strong, but this update added a whole level of polish on the game.

    There are a couple of new additions that I really like. The first is the practice field where you can try out all the different lineups you want without fear of injuries. Even better, when you beat all of the practice teams, you get a guaranteed chest of your current league (re-sets once per day).

    I also really like the new gallery which allows you to browse through all of the pets as well as players. The player gallery was there before, but the pet gallery is a welcome addition as it allows you to see what you have available if the Splicer is busy.

    Take a look at my guide above to get an idea of different lineups, but in case you want more ideas or if you want a way to organize or plan your lineups you can copy my google spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18BhTUUT8Y_-YCuGbyXKI6uPnM_a-W9asOgJXk9rGQwE/edit?usp=sharing

    It lays out all of the abilities of all of the players as well as tracking the levels of everyone that you have unlocked. It also allows you to decide how you want to splice and dice your players. If you have any questions, shoot me a PM.

    Can't wait for the full version!

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