DICE SOCCER CITY [From the makers of Pixel People] [Launching Feb 1]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Lambdamu, Nov 16, 2017.

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  1. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Test has Begun!

    The Beta has officially begun! Everyone who has emailed/PM-ed/posted up until this point has been included.
    I've tried to individually contact each of you as well.
    You should already have received an invite to the testflight in your email inboxes (connected to your appleID)
    Please read the instructions sent, and enjoy!
  2. DawnMoor

    DawnMoor New Member

    Nov 18, 2017

    Is there a NDA about the beta? Download its awesome instructions are clear as they can get but is there going to be a multiplayer feature in the future ?

    The only thing i had trouble was with building around i could prefer to it if there was a way to move stuff with our finger and drag them around ro add them rather clicking on the tile?

    Will keep testing! But great game so far, can’t wait to test the grocer girls quest in the full version....and lol at mario the plumber....

    Also what about that panda and dog that disappeare when you click them? They will play a role in the future?
  3. Moonyboy99

    Moonyboy99 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2009
    If you are still after more testers let me know.
  4. tzheyan

    tzheyan New Member

    Nov 18, 2017
    1st thing 1st.. can update for iPhone X screen? :D
    Pls pls pls..
  5. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Just started out and loving it so far. I am going to play as a f2p to see how it goes. Couple of minor things so far.

    Game crashed for me a couple of times in the tutorial twice while trying to recruit Rusty and once trying to recruit the cave guy. Restarting cleared it up.

    When rolling dice, if you hold the button for more than 2 seconds or so, the upper 2/3 of the screen displays the dice soccer city logo instead of the players and stadium. The animation is very abrupt and super distracting.

    There is a slight math error between the morale discounts. When I click on the smiley face it says my morale discount for a bunch of things is currently at 18%. If I go into the Dicer, the morale discount is displayed as 17%.
  6. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    yup! send me you appleID and device specs!
  7. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    will do before launch!:D
  8. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Thanks for the reports. Will look into it. What device are you using? Glad you're enjoying it so far!
  9. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I am on a 5c with iOS 10
  10. unexpect3rd

    unexpect3rd Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2011
    Mobile Game Developer (Fulltime as well as indie)
    Spent some time on this, looking great so far, according to my gaming preference, adding city building into the mix was great idea.

    Learning experience: was ok. Not sure what to feel about "ok, what do I do now?... oh I have to play another match to proceed to the next tutorial. ok, now what... oh, I gotta play another match to unlock the next feature" Mayhaps it would be nice if the mayor.. I mean the coach could hang around a little bit longer to hint on "here's whats to come if you do *something*"

    Getting into it: sorry, ugly game biz terms here. I feel like there is a lack of explicit motivation driving components. Maybe a daily log-in bonus to help drive retention (getting players to check back), or some daily goals/quests to drive session lengths (e.g. play more matches, utilize dicer etc) as well as providing additional channel for players to earn rewards.

    There was one bug I had encountered during the match with the "Foul" tutorial whereby I left my finger on the spin button too long when approaching the goalie and somehow disabled the button, then I could not shoot and can only concede. I'll try to reproduce it in a video if possible and send it to you guys.

    Will try longer before I'll comment on the in-game matches, I was playing very casually and now got stuck trying to beat the next team.

    Great job guys, now you have to compete against animal crossing :)
  11. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Still playing as a f2p and still very much enjoying it; I am about a third of the way into bronze league.

    The transition from wood to bronze was pretty rough with my being unable to win a game for quite some time. I remember from the original dice soccer that moving up a league came with a pretty big jump in difficulty. It was not until I unlocked the woodcutter that I could progress again. I was in need of some raw stats, no amount of finesse or combos could get my attackers to beat the defense. Not sure if I got the woodcutter late or not.

    If I am correct in deducing that the next crate you open always takes 15 min longer than the previous one, that is going to really hamper the f2p crowd. In the previous dice soccer you could farm lower tournaments to earn enough cash to buy better players to then progress. As implemented, farming low levels and earning lots of crates will really hurt long term because by the time you rank up, the crates might take so long to open that people give up. A set time might be better for each league crate (X min for wood, Y min for each bronze, etc.).

    The sign in the city that tracks milestones would be helped with a box or something to say where you are and what you've earned.

    Final suggestion for now. Using the slicer and/or dicer improves your players but I am pretty sure that it can also introduce foul die which can not be changed in the dicer. If there is no mechanism to remove foul die later on, please consider it for the end game. Players don't want to be in the position of not being able to use their best people because they made earlier changes that created foul die on what are now useless numbers. Maybe introduce a new building (slicer, dicer, re-sizer?) that can reset a player to their base stats including initial foul dice. This of course would not remove levels, just the slicer and dicer modifications.

    That's all for now! Lots of fun!
  12. DoctorShades24

    DoctorShades24 New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    #52 DoctorShades24, Nov 22, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
    Beginning Thoughts

    Really liking the game, but from a F2P standpoint, the 4 box limit as well as the drastically increasing time for boxes to open seems a little disproportionate.

    I'd really like a shorter time or more box space so games can be played more often.

    The other possible issue, at least from my view, Wood League is drastically too easy, but if that's meant to be there for a tutorial/learning perspective, it makes sense.

    The one thing I'm not sure about yet is the lightning bolt icon above houses, what does this really signify?

    Is there any added bonus as well to putting Attackers and Defenders in the right spots, and not Defenders attacking and vice-versa? If not, would be nice.
  13. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    I can answer the first part. If the lightning bolt is in a blue box and doesn't blink, tap on it to make the person in the shop start working. If they are working (lightning bolt blinks on and off with no blue box) that player earns a certain number of coins per minute for a number of hours. To get them to work they need to be eager to play (green smiley over the shop) and you have to win a game with them on the team. Getting everyone working is critical to getting the gold flowing (at least where I am at - halfway through bronze).

    I would like to know as well about the attacker/defender roles.
  14. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    #54 Lambdamu, Nov 23, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
    Great discussion peeps! Thanks for the feedback and for helping each other out. I'll respond to some of the outstanding questions and suggestions

    Fouls... Foul sides are a uniquely designed feature of every character. They are shown on every card, only once the foul mechanic has been taught/unlocked. It appears that we should make that clearer! Foul sides can't be diced, but at some point you may find a way to make them less of a hindrance ;)

    Boxes/Slots/Timers... We're keeping an eye on this closely and are open to discussion/feedback on this (which is why we wanted to beta!). There is in fact a maximum amount of time a box can take, and the game slowly escalates the timers to that value. At the maximum point, a box shouldn't take more than 2 hours (at full morale), which is at most 3-4 cubes to rush (30 mins/cube). Animal chests are fare more rare/valuable and are the ones with the big timer.

    Difficulty... Again, something we want to monitor from the beta. Will balance as we get more data regarding too easy/too hard. Please keep the reports coming!

    Attackers/Defenders... No bonus for playing them in the "right" slot. Good idea though. For now the positions serve more as suggestions as to what their "preferred" position is, or where they would be most effective. At the end of the day though it's up to you managers to find the best and most creative use for each player
  15. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Good to know about the cap on box timers and the atk/def roles. I like the current system with us making the decision. My only comment on difficulty is to try and make it a little smoother. Occasionally in bronze league you face a team where all the players have triple gene splicing and they just wipe the floor with you. I just concede those matches.

    Getting an odd bug this evening where I'm stuck on the loading screen with the red progress bar at the top stuck around 45% across. Will try again tomorrow.
  16. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Strange. Please let me know if the bug persists or no!
  17. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Bug cleared up. I think it might have something to do with when the loot crates are about to unlock. I think I have seen it before but dont have repro steps.
  18. kraze ivan

    kraze ivan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
    Another suggestion: when using the gene splicer it would be great if you could see a preview of what you will get. That way you can determine if the animal you are using is going to have an effect or not. I was hoping that putting the guard dog on the fireman would make it -3 stamina but sadly it didn't work.
  19. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    That's a good idea. Maybe we can also improve our description of *Power*. Do people find it easy to understand?
  20. Lambdamu

    Lambdamu Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    iPhone Application Developer
    Discord Server

    Just a reminder to all that our beta is live so in case you haven't received your invite, please drop me a PM

    Also, Our discord server for the Beta is up an running at https://discord.gg/uYnNZ64

    Feel free to drop in and start a conversation!

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