Universal Diablo Immortal (by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. Warriv

    Warriv Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 21, 2015
    yeah I agree with you the 100k thing makes for a better headline than an actual argument. I don’t want to be that dude ruining everyone’s fun so I’m going to stop posting and start lurking ;)
  2. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    yes that's bad :(
  3. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    i'm in Europe => Leonic if someonewant join, i'm DH 60 paragon 1
  4. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #104 tops2, Jun 8, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022

    Definitely agree on finding a group for the dungeon runs. Occasionally, even teaming up with one lower level character helps a lot with dungeon enemies not focusing on me! ;)

    Yeah, legendarily can really change game play. At one time, I was doing the fire (mostly meteor)/arcana wind combo but one legendary changed my fire meteor into ice meteor. Definitely messed me up for a bit. I seem to just equip whatever item that gives me higher combat rating or whatever..so I guess I pick either keep the same legendary but lower combat rating, or adapt. I'm finding adapting more "interesting"...

    I think for now, I'll reach the end of story with the Wizard and then see what other character to try. I'm more interested in trying the different characters and not interested at all in the end game. (For some reason, the end game for Diablo 3 never interested me as well despite playing sooooo much Diablo/Diablo 2).

    Too bad no cross server characters though..I jumped onto the game before the Diablo Immortal came out on Toucharcade mentioning which server we can join.. But I guess I could when starting a new character.
    houseofg likes this.
  5. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    I'm paragon 22 now and bought battle pass as well as a 20$ bundle. I have multiple 5 star gems, got lucky with my bile as its 5/5, my blood only 2/5 but rocks. You can grind to make 1star gems, sell for plat and buy higher gems. Money helps and makes it faster but really it's not needed. Literally nobody here is going to be the top 1-2% of the game where whales matter. Play the game, have fun, And stop worrying about suppsed p2w which will never affect the majority of you.
    tops2, houseofg and ste86uk like this.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @AltsKev I’m on EU The Ancients. They have said server transfer in the future but I don’t think the near future at all.

    @tops2 There's definitely no benefit to alts in this game but if it’s what you enjoy doing then nobody can blame you. Once you get a few legendaries you can start using essence transfer to keep the abilities you want on the new better gear you find. I only learnt it properly recently and it’s a great system.

    I just found the tornado one which is great as I hated the range of wind and the charge but now it’s instant cast with 3 charges (1 from another legendary) the range is as long as scorch now. I use black hole, scorch, wind and meteor which is raining meteors at the moment.
    tops2 and houseofg like this.
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Damn your doing even better than me! I’m paragon 19 now but haven’t gotten a single 5 star gem yet. What class did you roll?

    But what you said is very true, nobody is going to be the best at the game unless they spend a lot but that won’t stop you being a strong high level player or stop you having fun on the game. Plus the game will be ever evolving so who knows what they will do/change.
    adamphetamine likes this.
  8. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    To be clear, I couldn't care less about being the top anything in the game. What I'd hate though, is to hit a paywall where I can't evolve organically via grinding etc., and just can't get through mobs anymore. Essentially the exact opposite of where I am now at 42! Sounds like that won't be the case, which is great!

    I'm happy to buy the Battle Pass and spend limited amounts here and there maybe, but since I stopped playing Hearthstone, I've decided to stop throwing unlimited money at games.
    ste86uk likes this.
  9. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    I played mage then necro in closed beta so I went with Crusader this time and love it. Pvp is a blast.
    ste86uk likes this.
  10. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Thanks for mentioning about the essence transfer. I kept seeing it but never look into it much. I think I did extract multiple times, but never knew you can "inherit" them too. Thought it was a one time extract and transfer to existing equipment.
    ste86uk likes this.
  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Sounds like you’ve had a good try of them, I’m surprised there aren’t more crusaders around but it doesn’t seem that popular on my server.

    I’m surprised but I’m actually having fun as Wizard in pvp too and regularly come top or near top. I honestly think if they added class change next week I’d be happy with Wizard and not change.

    Also not number 1 anymore number 2 now but it was nice to have it for a little while, but the other player was a whale and did most of the work. Got 2nd in 4 man too.

    Attached Files:

  12. nupraptor

    nupraptor Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    Level 59 currently. Really enjoying the game. Haven't seen the need to pay for anything. However, it seems that you cannot skip a bunch of mobile tricks to paid off the 6-year development on a game of such scale - ask Nintendo about Super Mario RUN.
  13. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I quit playing at the end of last week, I made it to paragon 52 on my Wizard and I did enjoy the gameplay and have fun with the game and was even an Immortal.

    But with work, wife and a 2 year old gaming time is limited and just doing the daily grind took a fair chunk of time and I felt like I had to do it or I’d fall miles behind so it started feeling like a chore that I had to play rather than play when I wanted to play (which was all the time anyway) but I don’t like it when a game makes me feel I have to play and if I don’t I’ll loose out big time.

    That aspect of it along with the p2w aspect (which hopefully they will make some changes to) just made me decide to stop playing after probably 150+ hours in the game! But honestly as much as I enjoyed the game I didn’t want to stop I’ve felt so free this week without it!

    p.s going onto Brawlstars after playing Diablo? I feel like everything is in slow motion and the characters feel so heavy and slow
  14. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    I loved the game and didn't even mind the p2w aspects but like the above poster I quit too at paragon 58. Bring an immortal on the server was fun and I like grinding but not still, there wasn't positives enough to deal with the repetitiveness.
    ste86uk likes this.
  15. Gus_SWE

    Gus_SWE Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    This one looks awesome. The only thing stopping me from trying this out is the always online bull#hit and that you have to make a blizzard account just to play. But the game looks super good and fun. Will try it out for sure the day blizzard get’s their mind straight.

    I love Diablo 1 and 2 and played the everlasting crap out of those back in the day. I just can’t stand game developers that force me to open a separate account with personal information, just to play their games. If this was a 30 bucks premium I would have instabought. I can even get behind F2P if done right.
  16. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Haha..about 3 weeks after this came out, I quit at paragon ~8 or so. I did end up playing other characters (a few ~lev 30) but got bored. I get what you mention the daily tasks are time consuming. It was fun mixing the skills..but wish there were a few more slots for skills. Other thing that's nice is all the free space freed up on the phone. lol!
    adamphetamine and nupraptor like this.
  17. nupraptor

    nupraptor Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    Nailed it! :D
    adamphetamine likes this.

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