Devs. don't encourage lurkers!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by ultimo, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. alza

    alza Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2008
    Just out of interest, and bearing in mind, as stated above, that this is a forum for the exchange of ideas, has anyone else noticed how a large number of users here use the phrase 'I could care less'?
    To me, it usually seems they mean that they couldn't care less, ie it would be impossible to care less than they already do about the topic.
    But instead they accidentally (it would seem) say they could care less, ie they care a bit about the topic, and it would be possible for them to care less than they do.
    I wouldn't ask only I have seen this phrase on nearly every TA thread for a year now, including this one, and have nearly never seen the correct 'I couldn't care less' form of it.
  2. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    LOL. Sounds like a perfect solution to me:p
  3. markx2

    markx2 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Excellent idea - and we can all read his reviews in the App Store for every single game.
  4. HJJ

    HJJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    This is VERY common. Of course, it makes more sense to say that you couldn't care less. I don't think anyone is really sure when the phrase started to change - but, over time, it did. To me, it just flows better to say "I could care less." Although that's probably not the reason either.

    I also like to think that "I could care less" does make a little bit of sense. Such as: "This topic is so stupid, I could care less."

    "I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole cow." "She's so hot, I could ravish her all night long."

    Anyway, this is just something that has evolved over time - A peculiar, but common colloquialism that we all understand, yet we continually let it derail any conversation where it shows up.

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