Very interested... still need a few details though... so ithasrandom levels, does that mean this is a roguelike? wellwhat i mean is this a perma death game?
I've always been quite critical of Ravenous - lots of samey games with nothing special about them, but NO MORE! This is the best game Ravenous have put out since the original League of Evil. Alright, it's still quite derivative if you've played stuff like Spelunky or Rogue Legacy, but there's few games like that on iOS and this is a fairly good stab at the genre from what I've played so far. The randomization and varied enemy types right from the first level make it.
Wow... Just... Wow. Im really loving this one. I really thought Ravenous Games have lost their touch since their flagship trilogy (LOE) as their games after that were a bit lacking IMO, but this time, with Devious Dungeon, i think they nailed it again. Same flaw though as with other Ravenous Games titles, still no customizable controls, although the default ones work fine. I'd prefer having to move the buttons closer on my ipad air. Basically, every stage is different because of the randomized "rooms." Not sure how random the enemies get, but the variety and strength of the enemies improve as you go farther. There are also tons of stuff ingame that you can destroy for some extra coins. In the room you need to find a key to get to the next area, and a special chest which is usually found in a hidden room through fake walls. As you jump and fight your way through the random dungeons, you earn coins to buy equipment. Buying an item type will unlock the next stronger version of it. Items types are Weapons, Armors, Potions, Rings and Amulets. There is an IAP shop which has Coin packs, and a doubler for $4. Every 3 areas/rooms (called "levels" in the game, which is confusing since you also level up), you will get to the travelling merchant where you can buy and upgrade stuff. Getting past these "merchant rooms" will also unlock a checkpoint which plays a bigger role in progressing through the game. It is an RPG in a way that you level up the more you kill enemies for experience, and the levelling is permanent. Everytime you level up you get to choose out of 3 stats to increase: Strength (damage), Stamina (HP), and Dexterity (Crit chance). When you die, you will resurrect back in the king's throne room, with all your equips and coinage intact. You then can continue on your journey by starting through unlocked checkpoints. Havent got to them yet, but it seems there are bosses on every 13th level, so im looking forward to those. From what i see, the gameplay may seem monotonous to some, but for me, the constant levelling and equips upgrading makes this a lot more enjoyable than the other Ravenous Games titles. Im guessing the coin doubler will play a role of making the game a lot more faster paced in terms of progressing as you will get stronger at twice the speed, but for now imma hold off on purchasing an additional $4 for that. For a buck, the game provides a great amount of replayability and is definitely a good value. IAPs are totally optional, as i can easily keep on playing this to progress, and the enemies can be beaten with a few tactics and quick fingers even if you havent upgraded much. Like most RPGs, you can skill it out, or grind it out to progress.
Awesome outline of the game! I agree this is their best game since LoE, I actually think I like this better than LoE
great to see Ravenous is still able to put out a quality game. @EP Does is have gc-leaderboards or just achievements?
I feel like a minority as I love quite a few games Ravenous has put out, really enjoying my time with Beatdown. With all the praise this game is receiving, I am beyond excited for when it comes out stateside. Something to look forward to!
Yeah, also had been losing faith in Ravenous, but honestly this is the only game I've committed to instabuying tonight (still on the fence on Mines of Mars and Block Fortess: War). This definitely looks like a return to greatness for Ravenous.
Just achievements. Forgot to mention that there are Quests you can do (more like objectives in the normal iOS gaming sense) that help out increase your coinage.
Thanks for the Imps Cho and EP, and Sanuku for the video. Looks and sounds like it's easily worth the $1 asking price.
I'm with you. I've absolutely loved every release from Ravenous (some more than others) so if this game is so much better than the last few, I may need some smelling salts tonight.
Yep i like practically all their games, enjoyed Random Heroes, lots of levels/shooting etc. This looks a bit more of the same but with some basic RPG elements. Bargain at the price, roll on 12am !!
Just killed my first boss... Felt like Megaman's bossfights, and that's a great thing. If there's one thing Ravenous Games excels at, it's the responsiveness of the controls.