Yeah, but just think of the savings on your energy bill during the winter! Although you'll probably spend more than that on hospital bills for repeated visits to the burn unit...
Right right like Duke Nukem huh? By mid 90's I as thinking along the lines System Shock but I checked and even that looks really dated. By looking at those ealier games the 3D quality of the iphone is pretty good.
Except the great games aspect. Which is probably the most important part. I agree. Most 3D games on iPhone look like shit. There are some good ones that can pull it off (Real Racing, Star Defense, ect) but let's face it, most of them look terrible.
The idea that Steve Irwin would kill an animal goes against everything the man stood for. That's it, you're drafted.
yeaaaahhh not gonna happen. 3D is the future. 3D is life. the iPhone isnt just gonna stay away from that. its capable of amazing things and if you cant see that then I am sorry.
Twazzock, you can usually tell that you don't have a promising argument when you end up with a clear contradiction smack in the middle of your premise. In any event, the real question is whether you can make a 3D game on the iphone that provides an enjoyable, satisfying experience for the user. If the answer is yes (and you seem to agree), why should people stop? I can agree with you on one thing: someone who focuses only on 3D eye candy at the expense of gameplay, framerate, etc, will end up producing a dud. As much as possible, developers should avoid making duds.
I wasn't dissing Jungle Hunt, I liked that game a bunch...I was just pointing out how far we've come graphically.
My game simply wouldn't even exist if we could only do 2D. And I think it looks pretty nice. Complaining about 3D is very 1997...I think that argument is long over. --Eric
That looks incredible. I'm going to check that app out whenever I next get some money (I'm assuming it costs $$) And yeah, I agree, this argument basically sounds along the lines of, and this may be a dated reference but: "Did ya hear? Elvis went electric. "