Developers and Gaming Posting

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by ACOM, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. ACOM

    ACOM Active Member

    May 30, 2012
    Hi ... everyone?

    My name is Ramón, and I'm the producer of A Crowd of Monsters, a new studio based in Barcelona (Spain).

    We want to be able to post something about our game Sugar Kid at Upcoming Games (the game is at approval process at Apple, so we expect to release the game in few weeks).

    I have tried to post this 3 times, but I have no responses. I have wroten Arn, and I have no responses. Is for something like E3?.

    Appart from, I want to be able to access the "game developers" subforum. We are game developers, so I have asked this. The same, no responses.

    There is some problem with my account? I am doing something wrong? (I have read the things I can and can't do :D).

    Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!


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