iPhone [DEV BLOG] - Rogue Marine

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by @rungogames, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. @rungogames

    @rungogames Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
    Hi folks - We've been a bit silent the last couple of months but I wanted to post an update to let you know that we are still working hard on getting this little game up.

    We ran into some issues with our custom engine so had to make the very difficult decision to port what we had built so far over to a new engine. This has required getting up to speed on a new api but the benefits moving forward far outweigh any of the pain involved with learning a new framework - including better support, features and longevity for our apps.

    Anyways enough of the boring stuff - Brian our audio guru has been cranking out an awesome set of original sounds for the game and they're totally bringing it to life. If you were on of the testers and enjoyed the gameplay without sounds, you are in for a treat now!

    On top of that Brian has also been busy composing music for the game too and he handed me this track yesterday. It captures the spirit of the game concept so well, I just had to share it. He tells me he'll have the main game music done soon too so will post that when I get it too.

    Headphones are definitely recommended - enjoy!


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