Hi Toucharcade - My names Tom and I'm a solo dev building a roguelike space marine-esqe themed card game for iOS. Gameplay - Each level is a deal of cards. Each deal contains baddies, weapons, loot, pickups traps and an exit. Battle through the deck looking for the exit, killing baddies and collecting what you can. Kill enough baddies and you get the option to upgrade your mech suit. Rinse and repeat. Here's a few of the cards... And here's a short gif of gameplay... Im getting to the stage now where I'm going to be ready to start testing it in the real world. If you're on an iphone and are interested in helping out with testing the game, leave your details here and I'll be in touch with a testflight build when it's ready. Many thanks, Tom
Hey thanks! Didi you drop your details here for a try of the test build? I've got a build in with Apple at the moment. It's Alpha and missing sound effects and music and some sharing features but the gameplay is solid. Hoping to have this out for testing in the week. We're working on sound effects, music and some graphic tweaks at the moment so those will come soon after. Be good to have it all wrapped and released for christmas. Cheers, Tom
Thanks for signing up! I’ve got a build I’m with Apple so hoping to send out TestFlight builds this week. Cheers, Tom
Hi everyone, Just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in Rogue Marine. As a solo dev I find it great to see that folks are excited to try my game as it's a whole lotta work doing this on your own! So cheers, appreciate it - it fires me up to keep pushing forwards. Also to anyone who's come across this thread, I'll be closing off the testing list later today as I've got enough responses now but I am planning on opening it up again after this round of testing and the inevitable fix/change list that comes out of it - so keep a watch on this thread ( which I think will now become my dev log). Everyone who has signed up, I've got another build up with Apple this morning. Unfortunately the previous one I submitted had a critical bug - but luckily I caught it before I sent out the link. I'll contact you all by email when the new one is ready. Once again many thanks to everyone. Cheers, Tom
And to finish the day.. here's a couple of new cards. The teleport is a new special card that my son ( he's 9) said I had to have - it reshuffles the deck and deals out a new level so you can use it instead of finding the exit.
Hey there, Many apologies, having a little difficulty this end I'm working to get the correct build up and invites resent. Shouldn't be too long. Cheers, Tom
For anyone who got an invite to the test build, you may find the link is gone dead. My apologies - I'm having a little difficulty this end. Am working hard to get the correct build up and invites resent. Shouldn't be too long. Cheers, Tom