Universal Destiny Emerald (by Watermark RPG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Watermark

    Watermark Member

    May 10, 2015
    #21 Watermark, May 15, 2015
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
    Hi everyone. Thank you for downloading the game.

    For those of you experiencing problems, thank you for bearing with us. We are working on a fix for earlier devices, which will give you an option to turn off the sound effects or music, which will greatly improve the speed of the game (for you tech people, it's a HTML5 audio support problem.). This is a fix for the short term. A more permanent solution may require us to switch our base platform completely.

    Any update to Apple takes about 1-2 weeks for them to approve. We will put in the update next week so expect an update within 3 weeks.

    For those of you who purchased the game and experience slowdowns and other performance issues, send an email to [email protected], and we will put you on the list for future giveaways.

    As for Darkslay Family: Prelude, it is a free game which is a prequel to Destiny Emerald. Story was never the big thing for the Darkslay series so it's not necessary for you to play it before Destiny Emerald, but it is worth checking out as it has similar gameplay to Destiny Emerald, but on a much smaller scale.
  2. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Eta on universal update?
  3. Watermark

    Watermark Member

    May 10, 2015
    Hello everyone. We've just submitted an update to Apple so it should be ready within 2 weeks.

    In this update, we added two big things:
    1. Game speed up for all devices; Optimization of sound effects.
    The main cause of slow downs on iPad2, iPad3, and iPad1 mini was due to the loading of the sound effects files. We replaced some "nice to have" sound effects with existing ones, thereby speeding up the game. Players with higher end devices can still switch back to the original sound effects configuration in "Settings" on the title screen. This should allow everyone to play the game.

    2. Dpad option added.
    Players now have the option to control the heroes using an on-screen dpad instead of the 360 swipe controls. Again, this can be changed in "Settings."

    We are working hard on improving your gaming experience. Thank you all for the interest!

    The Universal version should be ready within a month.
  4. Rein37

    Rein37 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2010
    Hello! I just wanted to let you know that the game still seems to be having slowdown problems. I'm using an iPad3 and there are still massive framerate issues.
  5. Watermark

    Watermark Member

    May 10, 2015
    Hello Rein37. Thank you for pointing it out. Version 1.5 has been out since June 1, and we believe it should have addressed this issue at a small sacrifice of losing a few sound effects. There are still two problems with this release which we fixed in an update we published today (available 1-2 weeks later):

    1. The game may crash when changing sound effects from 'Minimum' to 'All' in game. You will need to restart the app. This however has been fixed in the upcoming update.

    2. There exists an annoying 'black flashing' when using the dpad controls. This has also been fixed in the upcoming update.

    3. The App will now be universal!

    We expect Apple to approve the update at 6/12 at the earliest. Thanks for the interest!
  6. Watermark

    Watermark Member

    May 10, 2015
    Destiny Emerald Universal is out! You can now play the game on your iPhone. If you've got time and would like a free copy of the game, here's how:

    Play the free prequel to Destiny Emerald, post a short and honest review, and earn a free copy of Destiny Emerald! Only 20 free copies available! You can find out more on this page under 'Destiny Emerald Giveaway':


    Happy gaming!

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