Link: Descenders Noodlecake Descenders is extreme downhill freeriding for the modern era, with procedurally generated worlds, and where mistakes hav… $5.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsDescenders is extreme downhill freeriding for the modern era, with procedurally generated worlds, and where mistakes have real consequences. Will you lead your team to glory and become the next legendary Descender? • Procedurally generated worlds: Take on different jumps, slopes and hillbombs every time you play • Freestyle bike controls: Control every subtle movement of your rider, with an in-depth physics system made for slick whips and scrubs • Risk vs reward: Push your rider for massive scores and combos -- but bail too many times and you might lose it all • Build your Rep: A fully-featured online Rep system lets you show off your worth, and earn new bikes and threads • Become the next Descender: Can you survive the game in a single run, and reach the ranks of the legendary Descenders? Pick a Team, Become a Legend In Descenders, your team is your life. When you pick a side -- Enemy, Arboreal or Kinetic -- you'll be bound together with other players who choose the same side as you. Grab your bike, pick your team, and attempt to live up to the legend of your Descender. Will you join the die-hard, trick-frenzy ranks of Team Enemy, the proficient, off-road stylings of Team Arboreal, or the high-octane, speed-is-everything Team Kinetic? • Wear your team's colors and apparel with pride, and receive exclusive team gear • Your Rep points go towards your team's total Rep, and exclusive prizes are awarded to the top team • Gain access to your team's exclusive channel on the Descenders Discord server Information Seller:Noodlecake Genre:Racing, Sports Release:Aug 04, 2022 Updated:Jan 09, 2023 Version:1.6 Size:2.5 GB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #2 Brightsiderus, Aug 3, 2022 It’s a great game, you should grab it when it will be released Chq Well-Known Member Jul 20, 2013 446 61 28 #3 Chq, Aug 3, 2022 ..for 10€. Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #4 Brightsiderus, Aug 3, 2022 In my opinion, totally worth it. Roguelike mountain bike game with procedural tracks, multiplayer and all the stuff. adamphetamine likes this. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #5 metalcasket, Aug 3, 2022 Equal to its PC/console counterpart that sells for $25? I see no problem. adamphetamine likes this. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #6 anthony78, Aug 3, 2022 I liked this game on Xbox but found it hard enough on there. Not sure how well I’d do on a mobile version. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #7 metalcasket, Aug 3, 2022 Oh dear, this looks like a hot mess on iPhone XS. Looks like a PSX game. There doesn’t seem to be any way to mess with the graphics, and even with the low graphics, it generates incredible heat. decript likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #8 Anotherkellydown, Aug 3, 2022 That’s not what I was expecting to read! Not good.. You probably already sent them an email but here it is for convenience: [email protected] naghihimutuc Well-Known Member Mar 11, 2020 111 58 28 #9 naghihimutuc, Aug 4, 2022 I can’t stop playing. The loop is perfect and I like going down really really fast and finding a ramp and BOOOFFF oh my God. Way more fun than True Skate at the moment. adamphetamine likes this. Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #10 Brightsiderus, Aug 4, 2022 Dunno. Looks good on iPhone 11. adamphetamine and naghihimutuc like this. Exile Well-Known Member Mar 6, 2009 156 3 18 student usa #11 Exile, Aug 4, 2022 Last edited: Aug 4, 2022 Really loving this game more than I thought I would, it has a great sense of speed and maneuverability. It’s a weird comparison but it reminds me of biking in GTA SA, build up crazy speed then just flipping around wondering how I pulled that off . Looks like there are a ton of things to do and see but I’ve just been cruising around the practice area so far. naghihimutuc, solarnya and adamphetamine like this. solarnya Well-Known Member Jul 22, 2015 907 287 63 Male Close to Tokyo, Japan #12 solarnya, Aug 4, 2022 It's full of fun. Soon when I start up the game and in the online lobby, many strangers are riding bikes. It's up to me whether start a mission or riding a bike around. Making tricks are difficult but it support MFi controllers. But I prefer touch control more because it's mobile game. Exile and naghihimutuc like this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #13 Anotherkellydown, Aug 5, 2022 This is my GotW. I hate to come here talking about touch controls all the time but they are very well done. That said, after using my Backbone I’ll never go back now. The sounds, graphics, camera, everything is so good here. Lots of side missions and what looks to be a hefty campaign. I beat the first “boss” once, just have to do it 2 more times for the shortcut. Noodlecake and team did an excellent job porting this and reworking it for mobile. Seems to have been quite an undertaking! adamphetamine and solarnya like this. Aravon17 Well-Known Member Mar 13, 2014 100 32 28 #14 Aravon17, Aug 5, 2022 Last edited: Aug 5, 2022 Is there a 1st person mode? EDIT: Just bought it… Yes it does. and it has a Save Replay Mode with multiple cams including Free Cam!!!! Fun game! solarnya and Anotherkellydown like this. macplash Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2014 2,645 1,103 113 Male 3D artist Munich, Germany #15 macplash, Aug 6, 2022 It doesn’t look anything like in the trailer and that sense of speed captured there is just missing on my end. Am I doing something wrong? It was the reason I bought it. There’s no settings to make sure it’s running steadily at 60 fps which as of right now feels far from it for whatever reason. Constant stuttering present as well. Playing on iPad mini 6 so I’m sure it should handle it with ease. Coming from Trail Boss BMX this game feels inferior in comparison. Is it just me? Anotherkellydown likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #16 Anotherkellydown, Aug 6, 2022 You know, you’re right about the graphics / frame rate. I think because the gameplay is so fun, I overlooked the frame rate. It’s odd to me that there are no graphics or optimization options in the settings menu. I was happy to see you can set the game to be offline which is great for idiots like me who still haven’t got an unlimited data plan. I’m playing using an iPhone 11 Pro Max. Can anyone with a newer / more powerful device speak to their device’s performance with Descenders? Aravon17 Well-Known Member Mar 13, 2014 100 32 28 #17 Aravon17, Aug 7, 2022 Woa… playing with my 360controller is way better. Mobile controls are maddening. just sayin. zatoichi Well-Known Member Sep 17, 2009 74 2 6 #18 zatoichi, Aug 9, 2022 Runs like a dream on iPhone 13 pro. Gets slightly warm, but no graphical lags or stutters. playing with touch controls only. They’re surprisingly good. In some ways more intuitive than the Xbox controller on the pc version…although less responsive in certain situations as is expected with touch controls. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #19 Anotherkellydown, Nov 23, 2022 One of my favorites of 2022 and it’s on sale for $5.99 from $9.99. agreen437 Well-Known Member Jun 12, 2014 1,703 222 63 #20 agreen437, Nov 26, 2022 I picked it up on sale its a good game (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
In my opinion, totally worth it. Roguelike mountain bike game with procedural tracks, multiplayer and all the stuff.
I liked this game on Xbox but found it hard enough on there. Not sure how well I’d do on a mobile version.
Oh dear, this looks like a hot mess on iPhone XS. Looks like a PSX game. There doesn’t seem to be any way to mess with the graphics, and even with the low graphics, it generates incredible heat.
That’s not what I was expecting to read! Not good.. You probably already sent them an email but here it is for convenience: [email protected]
I can’t stop playing. The loop is perfect and I like going down really really fast and finding a ramp and BOOOFFF oh my God. Way more fun than True Skate at the moment.
Really loving this game more than I thought I would, it has a great sense of speed and maneuverability. It’s a weird comparison but it reminds me of biking in GTA SA, build up crazy speed then just flipping around wondering how I pulled that off . Looks like there are a ton of things to do and see but I’ve just been cruising around the practice area so far.
It's full of fun. Soon when I start up the game and in the online lobby, many strangers are riding bikes. It's up to me whether start a mission or riding a bike around. Making tricks are difficult but it support MFi controllers. But I prefer touch control more because it's mobile game.
This is my GotW. I hate to come here talking about touch controls all the time but they are very well done. That said, after using my Backbone I’ll never go back now. The sounds, graphics, camera, everything is so good here. Lots of side missions and what looks to be a hefty campaign. I beat the first “boss” once, just have to do it 2 more times for the shortcut. Noodlecake and team did an excellent job porting this and reworking it for mobile. Seems to have been quite an undertaking!
Is there a 1st person mode? EDIT: Just bought it… Yes it does. and it has a Save Replay Mode with multiple cams including Free Cam!!!! Fun game!
It doesn’t look anything like in the trailer and that sense of speed captured there is just missing on my end. Am I doing something wrong? It was the reason I bought it. There’s no settings to make sure it’s running steadily at 60 fps which as of right now feels far from it for whatever reason. Constant stuttering present as well. Playing on iPad mini 6 so I’m sure it should handle it with ease. Coming from Trail Boss BMX this game feels inferior in comparison. Is it just me?
You know, you’re right about the graphics / frame rate. I think because the gameplay is so fun, I overlooked the frame rate. It’s odd to me that there are no graphics or optimization options in the settings menu. I was happy to see you can set the game to be offline which is great for idiots like me who still haven’t got an unlimited data plan. I’m playing using an iPhone 11 Pro Max. Can anyone with a newer / more powerful device speak to their device’s performance with Descenders?
Runs like a dream on iPhone 13 pro. Gets slightly warm, but no graphical lags or stutters. playing with touch controls only. They’re surprisingly good. In some ways more intuitive than the Xbox controller on the pc version…although less responsive in certain situations as is expected with touch controls.